Twenty One: Normal... Nearly

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Waking up in my own bed feels so foreign. There are no large, muscular arms wrapped around me from behind. 

I am actually wearing clothes that weren't torn off the night before and I don't have that post-sex exhaustion.

So, life as usual. 

My bed is much larger than the one at Jason's. It also has an overhanging. My pillows are large and plush and my blanket rises up puffy.

I sit up, rubbing my head and looking around the empty room. My apartment complex is the third largest (in size and area, not capacity) block in the city. There are six apartments, each one and a half lengths taller than normal and at least three time the floor space of a house.

Yes, it's large and quite lonely, but I like it. From the elevator entrance, you walk into the large open area where the kitchen is to your right and the dining room, to your left.

The kitchen is open to the living room, which is connected to my office and gym. From the dining room and down the side of the living room is the hallway.

In the hallway you'd find the bathroom first, then the spare bedroom, followed by my bedroom. I have my own ensuite. At the end of the hallway is the entrance to my large balcony. There's also a balcony entrance from the living groom.

I use mostly red and gold colours in decoration. As Jason said; like a Chinese restaurant. 

Jason... I shake my head wildly.

Pulling myself out of bed, I grab out some clothes. I clutch them tightly and sigh. Beautiful. Designer.

I have a shower, taking extra care to wash my hair three times. Most of the purple dye fades. I've really got to get rid of it before I go back to work.

After I do my hair, get dressed and put some makeup on, I walk out onto the balcony. I spend about an hour tending to my garden, trying to fix the decay.

Then I throw a couple of things out that have gone off, in the fridge and cupboard. I switch the TV on for background noise and begin cleaning, paranoid by germs.

That's when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID, to see Taylor's face on my screen. I grin and press answer.

"Hey girl hey!" Taylor begins in an excited tone.

"I miss you!" I gush. Suddenly my front door opens. 

"We missed you too!" Taylor screams, running into my apartment. My jaw drops before I am being tackled over the back of the couch in a bear hug.

I land on the floor as he settles onto the cushions. He reminds me of my sister sometimes. Over the couch, Telysha, brunette and brown-eyed, Angel, blonde and hazel-eyed and Grace, orange-haired and blue-eyed peak over.

Taylor has dyed his hair again. Black with electric-bue tips; Oh my God. His grey eyes stare down at me, overjoyed and slightly judgemental.

"Why are you wearing that top with those pants?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"You haven't changed."

"Do I ever?"

Telysha puts her hand to me and helps me up. "Where have you been? We were so worried!" She asks, hugging me. I feel regretful for a moment; I haven't thought about them at all.

"Yeah, who was protecting you? OH- Was it Batman?" Grace asks, taking her turn to hug me.

"Not exactly," I admit. "A friend of his." Yeah, his son.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now