Thirty Eight: Warrior and Attorney

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I can't help the loud laugh I let out as I slam the bathroom door, locking Jason out. He chuckles from the other side.

"C'mon, let me join you," he says, voice muffled. I grin.

"No!" I protest. "Can't a girl shower in peace for once?"

"We both have to get ready for this. May as well make it fun."


I undress and step into the shower.

It's New Years Eve Eve and time for another Wayne Charity Ball. Only this time, I would be with Jason. I doubt he'll want to dance but just holding his hand to show everyone that he's mine is enough.

It takes me a total of twenty minutes to get ready, without being jumped. Speedy hair and makeup finishing with throwing my blue and silver dress on.

Using my self-zipper, I pull it on and approach my jewellery shelf in my wardrobe. It's piled high with boxes of jewellery; some illegal from my dad, some high-class from Hiroshi, some ancient historic pieces from both of them.

Yet my eyes seemed to train on one thing and one thing only. The necklace Jason gave me.

"Holy fuck," I hear from the entrance of the closet. I turn to see Jason leaning on the side, looking me up and down. I smile.

"Not to shabby," I sing. He looks gorgeous himself; a black suit with a red tie. He refuses to wear anything but and I know it's because the colour represents more. The Hood.

"Not to shabby?" He repeats, walking in. I laugh breathlessly as he boxes me against the mirror at the end. He runs his thumb over my cheekbone. "More like fuckin' perfect," he says.

Maybe that sounds vulgar and unneeded to anyone else. It is just what I needed to hear.

"Put my necklace on me," I say, nodding to it. He plucks it off the shelf and I turn around.

"Does this match?" He mumbles, clasping it and kissing my shoulder.

"Well, the necklace is red and silver. Add in silver and red bracelets, ring, earrings and it works," I grin, kissing him before ducking past, to where my shoes are. "You know what the best thing is about having a super tall boyfriend when I'm already pretty tall?" I say.

He gives me a sweet, cute smile that I believe is born from me calling him my 'boyfriend'. It is a wonderful term.

"I can hold things in the air so you can't reach them?" He replies smugly. I roll my eyes and choose a pair of silver heels. I slip them on before standing as tall as possible next to him.

Yep, still only reach his chin.

"Heels can be as tall as I want and you're still taller," I grin, before walking out of the closet.


By the time we had fought our way through paparazzi outside the manor, the ball had barely started. In fact it was almost bare, guests still yet to arrive.

Jay and I were hooked together, as we walked along the hall towards Dick and Tim.

"Venus, if you want to dance tonight I'm free," Dick says, earning himself a glare from Jason. Dick grins back.

"Where're Dami and Bruce?" I ask.

"With a special guest," Tim mumbles. His eyes dart to Jason carefully, yet I seem to be the only one to notice.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now