Thirty Four: Mentor and Successor

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An explanation as to what happened with this and the next two chapters: I clicked publish on this one last night. Instead of publishing both, it deleted the work I had done before it saved and kept it as a draft. I had published 35 without realising. I then had to unpublish 35 and then everything went haywire. This is the sixth time Wattpad has done this to me.

Huuuh. I'm sorry.

Love you all,

Stay magical!

Be safe

...notice the 'MJAM' is gone?

-Kaido Xx


There are few comforting sounds to hear. Metal clangs ways away, manic laughter, eerie wind and the jingling of the officer's keys.

Four were around me. The Warden had wanted it that way.

I am on my way to get advice from the one person who understands the problem at ; Harvey Dent, AKA Two Face.

There are several levels to go through, before we come to what looks like a reception room. It's very dark, but much more modern-looking than I had expected.

"DA Meadow; welcome. You're here to see patient ARK15467, I'm told?" Doctor Tompkins asks, walking towards me.

"Yes, just for ten minutes or so," I say. I glance past her head, where a large sign sat on the wall.


ARK12464 - 'Oswald C. Cobblepot' - The Penguin
ARK13465 - 'John Doe' (unknown) - The Joker
ARK14466 - 'Edward E. Nigma' - The Riddler
ARK15467 - 'Harvey A. Dent' - Two Face
ARK16468 - 'Dr. Jonthan L. Crane, PhD' - The Scarecrow

"Follow me," Tompkins smiles. She leads me towards a gate, which opens by her hand print. I walk behind her.

"If you could?" She asks, nodding to the scanner. I already have my badge in hand, having done this a few times. After that has been scanned I am lead down the corridor, which has doors leading into six different cells.

They don't have all of the patients listed, you see. I know Penguin is reeking havoc on Crime Alley and the Riddler caused problems in Blüdhaven a few night ago, but when the Bat catches them they are brought here.

Then they escape again.

A large and obviously heavy metal door lies at the end of the corridor. A guard opens it, revealing a weaker looking door.

"If you need help-"

"I won't," I interrupt the Doctor, before nodding to the guard. He heaves it and it swings open, a white interrogation room behind it.

At the table sits my once Mentor, Harvey Dent. He looks up at me, not surprised at all.

"Venus," he greets roughly. I step in and the door closes behind me. I am a little on edge (who wouldn't be?) but I smile at him.

"How are you?" I ask, sitting across from him. I end up letting out a laugh at the end of my question. "Stupid thing to open with," I say.

"No, no. It's not. I'm alright," he replies, softer than before.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu