Eight: Common Interest

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Having got little sleep last night, I wake up still tired. Screw Jason and his nightly activities.

After a few minutes of trying to get back to sleep, I become bored and sit up. I glance at the Great Gatsby on the pillow next to me. Even that sounds boring.

I throw the covers off before making the bed, then pick my clothes for today. I have them folded on the desk since there's only a wardrobe in here. This time my shirt is white with a plaid love heart on the front. I also grab underwear and one of the pairs of black leggings.

No one is up yet; thank the Goddess. I take a quick shower and get dressed. At least it doesn't take me forever like my usual clothes would. The moment I look at myself in the mirror, I see my sixteen year old self.

Without makeup and dressed down, I don't look like myself. Or it might be more correct to say I look like the 'real me'.

As I brush my hair, I notice something I haven't experienced in a long time. I bring my hand up to my face and find it shaking, my fingers quivering.

38 hours without a drink and here I am, already in the beginnings of delirium tremens.

When I walk back out into the living room, there's a pretty girl with short blonde hair in the kitchen, wearing Jason's shirt.

"Oh hi! You must be Jason's sister," she chirps. Fuck him.

"Yes," I smile gracefully.

"He's such a doll," she grins, her eyes pretty much shining.

"If you say so."

I turn the kettle on.

"Are you the oldest?" She asks, getting a cup out from the cupboard over her head. She knew they were in there. She's been here before.

"Yes, by a few years." Well, that's not a lie.

I take a cup from the same cupboard and place it on the counter.

"I'm Myra by the way!" I don't know what to say to that. My name is so well known...

"Nice to meet you."

There is a jingle of keys as Jason walks into the living room.

"Where would you like to be dropped off?" He asks.

She shakes her head with that same smile, "Let me get dressed and I'll be out of your hair. My train leaves at 9, station isn't far away."

I glance at the clock, "It's 8:45."

She follows my line of sight and gasps dramatically, "Oh my god!"

As she runs back to his room she rips his shirt off and tosses it to him. It hits his head full force and I can't help but snort.

"The owner of that kimono, I assume?"

"Yeah," he answers, pulling his own shirt off his face.

I retrieve the girl's jacket from my room and throw it to her when she comes out in a right dress, dragging a suitcase behind her.

She looks at Jason with a giant smile and starts having a whispered conversation with him. I listen closely while I make my tea.

"I could never make up for it," she tells him, sounding extremely appreciative, "You'll never understand how grateful I am. Thanks to you I'll never have to do it again."

Sounds like he's helped her get out of the life.

She kisses his cheek. The whole time Jason remains blank-faced. It'd probably be different if they were alone.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now