chapter 45- uhmmm hello?

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'Good morning', Levy rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She was sleeping outside with Gajeel. It was a nice night after all and Rose seemed to toss and turn a lot these few nights.

They were almost back at the guild and they were both tired. Gajeel was caring Rose everyday and Levy took take of her whenever she needed something. It was going slowly, their trip back to home.

Rose was still deadly tired and wounds were scattered over her whole body. The small ones were healing nicely. They needed to set up camp early to make sure everyone got enough rest. Even if Gajeel was strong, it was still impossible to carry someone 24/7.

Levy crawled on top of Gajeel to lean on his chest. 'Good morning', she said again when he wouldn't wake up. She pecked his lips to encourage him to stand up.

'What did you eat shrimp?', he opened one eye and grinned. Her hair was not yet restrained by a bandana so he had to held her hair up. 'What a morning breath', he continued to make fun of her.

Slowly she got closer to punish him with another morning-breath-kiss.

'No no no', he did his best to hold her off. 'What are you doing!?'.

'Punishment', she declared right before kissing the big-douche.

'OKAY ENOUGH', he wasn't careful and lifted her into the air to turn her around next. She was now down him and trapped in her sleeping bag. 'What now, shrimp?'

Levy began to laugh uncontrollably and wiggled around in order to free herself. 'Let me... out', she spoke in between laughs.


'Never', the giggles became louder

'Punishment then', he got closer until an annoyed grunting came from the tent. 'What the (*!#$%^& are you doing Gajeel?', it was Rose of course. Who else wouldn't mind to interrupt a moment.

'Do you need something?', Levy asked polite.

'Not really', Rose coughed.

'Then we will be silent', Gajeel informed before he (loudly) kissed Levy on lips and in the neck.

'I hear that!', the tent was loud at the moment.

'Sorry-', Levy got another kiss. '-sis'.

The sick sighed loud. Those two were way too loud. She turned around, trying to ignore the two lovebirds. However, it was difficult to ignore a loud shriek. 'AHHH', Levy yelled.
'What!? What did he do!?', Rose tried to get up but she couldn't even lean on her elbow without trembling.

'Nothing. Nothing', in fact. Gajeel felt that Levy was enjoying herself a little too much and felt the urge to lick her neck. Just to hear her scream. 'Gihi'.

'I remember that you weren't always this assertive', Levy looked at him with her hands on his forehead to keep him from coming too close.

'I've always been assertive'.

'As if. I remember you fake-faint just so you could get my attention'.

'I already told you I really fainted. I just woke up right before you came to help'.

'Remember me: how did you faint again?', levy got out of the sleeping bag. Her pajamas were sloppy and extremely seductive in the eyes of Gajeel.

'Does it matter? Shouldn't I go to find some grub for now?'

'You do that. But make sure not to faint'.


'Oke Natsu-san. What you need to do to win over the heart of Love-rival is constant affection. Never give up. Not even once. She will see your dedication and start to notice you. When Lucy-san notices you, she will start to think about you. And thinking about will turn into love', Juvia was giving the dragonslayer a speech while he hung over the railing of her couch. He held Bozu in his arms while looking sideways towards the watermage.

'Are sure that will work?'

'Of course. That's how Juvia captured... she means: that's how she made Gray-sama fall in love with her'.

'Don't you two just live together because you have kids?', he raised Bozu in the air, making him shriek in joy. 'Maybe I should get Lucy pregnant... HEY JUV. Can you give me some tips how to do that?'

'WHAT!? NO!?', Juvia looked terrified. This was no love at all! How did he even dare to ask.

'Let me try', Gray said. He was sitting in a comfortable chair across from the couch. Juvia took her place in his lap and pouted. 'Natsu...', he started. 'Do you even know what love is?'

'Sure. It's that feeling you get happy because you see someone'.


'What more is there?'

'Well... how do I say this', Gray started but Juvia continued. 'Natsu-san... You get happy when you see friends right?'


'But you're not in love with... let's say Gray-sama?'

'Why me?'

'I never get happy when I see his face', Natsu lifted Bozu against before letting him lay on his belly.

'Careful flame-brain'.

'Okay... Let's say Lisanna then'.

'Uhmm... yes and no'.

'What's the difference?', Juvia leaned forward out of interest.

'Well I don't want babies with Lisanna', Bozu started to laugh out of the blue as if he understood his words and thought they were funny.

'Well, that's good', Juvia leaned forward.
'It's something', Gray tried to hold in his laughter. How dense can you be. This was a whole other level of stupidity.

'Natsu-san, Juvia will teach you everything she knows'.


Rose puffed her cheeks when Gajeel lifted her up once again. Levy had to carry most of the bags. What a sigh they must be.

Levy must have noticed her annoyed expression on her sister. 'Don't worry. We are close. I bet we are back by the end of tonight'. She wore a gentle smile.

'I hope so',

'What about me. I've been carrying your sorry ass all this way'.

'It's not like I weigh anything at this point', she was pointing at her bones and hollow eyes that hinted at malnutrition. 'But you've been gaining some weight the last days', Gajeel fake-complained.

'Just be happy for me', Levy snickered when Rose puffed her cheeks another time. 'He is happy for you', she comforted her. They both didn't tell Levy about the embarrassing 'night walk' to the 'toilet' and neither of them was going to tell her soon.

All three travelers were about done for now. They wanted to get home as soon as possible. With a quick step they hurried home.

One hour before planning, they set their first foot on Magnolia-pavement. 'Good to be home', Gajeel took a big breath.

'I can't wait to have a relaxing bath', Levy shifted one of the bags to the other shoulder and began walking towards her house.

'Where are you going?', Rose struggled faintly in the arms of Gajeel. 'I want everyone to know I'm alive', she struggled again. She wanted to walk this last distance. Perhaps she noticed the fatigue of the dragon slayer. No wonder, anyone would be tired if they had to carry someone a whole day. No mater how tough they might be.

'You're right. They don't know yet', there was no further discussion. The party turned around and took the other street. It was a warming sight to see the bright-lit guild with its high towers at the end of the street.

Levy dropped all of the bags the moment she walked through the gate and towards the entrance.

'Gajeel. I want to walk these steps myself. To prove I'm doing fine', Rose said. Levy immediately returned and offered her an arm. 'Great idea'.The younger sister removed some dirt of the cheeks and arms, just like a mother would do. Rose smile gratefully.

She leaned against Levy as they walked up to the front door. 

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now