chapter 34- succes!

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'She is alright', Gajeel grunted while turning his shoulder, happy to be back in his own body.

'That's great!', Levy herself was straitening her dress. The strap of the bra was quiet uncomfortable. They stood in the corner of the guild. No one was around, that was the only reason she dared to look under her dress to find out that Gajeel had put it on backwards. The straps on the back were twisted up.

'Could you fix the back?', she asked him and turned around.

'That bra was my most difficult enemy', the dragon slayer complained and helped his girlfriend out. Last time he had to reach behind his own back, impossible task if you were wondering. His fingers were large and missed the fine movements that were needed. This time he was wrestling again, but it was easier than before.

'I'm sure you had worse', Levy laughed and turned back to face him when he was done. She pecked his cheek out of gratitude. Not for the bra, but for trying to get to know Rose. She had to reach out of the tip of her toes, but she was used to it at this point.

'Did you know..', she asked. '...Lily didn't even notice that it was actually me in your body. I had to tell him', she looked excited, making Gajeel smile.

'He always think he knows best. Probably does, it's my cat after all', Gajeel laughed like a proud father.

'You know, I think I make a great Gajeel', Levy winked. 'Was Rose suspicious of you?'

'No, 'cause I can be a great Levy too'.

'Really???', she took his hand and swung it around, just to share her joy and feel his hand in hers.

'Of course. Nothing I can't do'.

'Hahahaha', she laughed out loud.

'What? Don't you agree?', he clammed her hand a little tighter.

'No, no, I believe you', her laugh got louder.
They both heard someone stumble over a chair. Levy looked to her right to see Rose trying to hide. She had seen Gajeel and Levy, hand in hand and enjoying each others company. She wasn't even mad about it. But Levy did look a little longer and saw her sister peeking around the corner. She let go of Gajeels hand and took a little more distance.

'What did you talk about?', she asked in a hushed voice.

'Nothing big', Gajeel lied. He amused himself with the thought that Rose didn't know about the body switch and thus didn't know that the chat she had, was with him.

'You need to tell me one day', she pointed at him, making him grin once more. She turned around and walked up to Rose.

Gajeel stayed behind and searched for Lily. He found the exceed eventually by the bar with Lucy, Natsu and Happy. He was giving hints to Happy about turning battle-form like himself. Gajeel took a seat at listened.

The blue exceed didn't look too interested until Lily started to talk about the abs that would appear with the transformation. Happy wondered out loud if Carla would like him more when the blue feline wore a sixpack.
Lily didn't continue the topic afterwards.

Gajeel listened for a little longer to the chat between Lucy and Natsu. Mirajane joined in for a short moment, only to leave soon after. Gray joined them too, seeing if Team Natsu would like to do a quest soon.

Gajeel talked little and enjoyed himself immense. Today was a great day after all. He was allowed to be around Levy.
The day started to end and he asked Pantser Lily to go home. He nodded in return. Soon they were leaving. They passed Juvia who just walked out of the bathroom with Teru in her arms. It was obvious that the baby just made business in his diaper, the smell was coming from the bathroom.
They greeted each other quickly.

'Didn't she seem nervous?', Lily look behind him.

'You're seeing things', Gajeel said.


'Gray-sama?', Juvia approached the team. Gray was sipping for a beer at the moment. His first, so it seems. 'Could you look after Teru?'

'Sure', Gray kissed his son in it's neck, earning a giggle. Teru (uncontrollably) slapped Gray softly in his face.

'Give him to me for once', Natsu complained.

'You would let him fall!', Gray bounced back. He felt a weight on his shoulder, Juvia pulled him down to kiss him on the cheek. 'Juvia is going to find Erza'.

'Sure...', absentminded he kissed her cheek back. 'Natsu! You can't have him', Gray created some distance by kicked Natsu with one foot.

'I won't! I raised KemoKemo didn't I?'

There was something to be said about the little green furbal. But Natsu was right. He was careful with his 'children'. Happy and KemoKemo grew up fine. And he was a good nanny.

'I'm keeping my eyes on you', Gray warned before handing over Teru.
He wanted to tell Natsu how to hold a baby, but he didn't need to. The support behind the neck was good and it was sure that the dragon slayer wouldn't drop him. Gray could lean back with an eased heart.

Gray saw Juvia running around, she seemed a little in panic. 'Take care of Teru', he warned the flamebrain before walking up to the water mage. 'Juvia?', he asked. 'What are you doing?'

She jumped up in surprise. 'Looking for Erza-san. Didn't Juvia tell you?', she scratched her arm.

'Where is Bozu?', the ice mage looked around.

'What? Juvia gave Bozu to you, Gray-sama', her eyes widened.

'That was Teru'.

'OW YES, Juvia gave Teru to Gray-sama. Bozu uhmm, Bozu is with Bisca'.

'Are you sure?'

'Juvia knows where her kids are', she pouted.

'You seem really nervous', Gray placed his hand on her forehead. 'Are you getting stressed? You should get to bed early'.

'Juvia is fine', she blushed and pushed his hand away.

'You should relax a little', Gray said quickly before attacking her lips with a kiss. 'Is that better?', he had to blush too. He didn't plan to be this bolt.

'It makes it worse', she laughed before kissing him back. 'Juvia needs to go', she told him. The roaming butterflies settles a little when she walked away from him.


'Let's go home', Rose suggested after Levy yawned. The script mage nodded and followed.
'Rose?', she asked after another yawn.


'I do like Gajeel', she confessed in half-sleep state.

'I know', Rose pulled her little sister closer. 'You've got terrible taste', she joked in her own way.

Levy laughed faint and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. 'I thought the same way in the beginning'.

'How did you even met?', it was meant as small talk, but the answer was a surprise to say the least.
'I don't remember', was Levy's answer.

'You remember your first book, how can't you remember meeting the man you love?'

Levy shrugged and grabbed the house key from her bag. It took three attempts to find the keyhole in the dark. She flashed the lights on. Rose could detect a hint of regret on her little sisters face.

'Good night', Levy tried to avoid eye contact.

'You know you can talk to me?', it ended up sounding like a question.

Levy nodded and walked upstairs. Rose was left alone, she whispered a quick 'good night', before turning to the living room to sort her thoughts. She ended up cleaning the house to get some rest in her mind.
Levy's behavior made Rose worried. The lack of information about Gajeel was alarming.

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