chapter 24- epilogue

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The crying on the background made Gray slowly open his eyes. His back ached and he had trouble to get aware of his surroundings.

Gray knew it was Teru who was crying. He pushed himself up, feeling the need to get there as quickly as possible. He looked upstairs and saw that the bedroom door stayed closed. Juvia was still recovering from the pregnancy. 

It was 6 days ago. And she was still weak, even if she said she was doing better by the day. 
Gray had to take care of the children meanwhile and he was tired. He even fell asleep on the sofa the day before. He stretched before he reached the nursing room. Just when he was about to open the door, Bozu started to cry as well. 

He sighed after a loud yawn. He loved his children, but he missed his sleep. Maybe if it was one child he could sleep... No I shouldn't think like that. He shook his head. These are just the first days. The first days are the most difficult. 
But it seemed like they took turns crying and he couldn't ask Juvia right now. It felt as if he wasn't able to sleep more then 5 hours a day. 

He opened the wooden door and enter the room. A bluehaired mage just bend over the cradle of Teru. Gray rubbed the sleep from his eyes and wrapped an arm around her. 'What are you doing out of bed?', he yawned. 'How are you feeling?' 

'I'm doing fine... But could you take a step back?'. It wasn't Juvia's voice who spoke. Gray carefully spun the mage around because his child was in her arms. He looked into her eyes: blue and green. 

'Rose, what are you doing here?' he asked astonished. 

Gray was now fully awake and aware of all the differences between the two woman. Except the long blue hair there wasn't much to compare. Rose had less curves, was shorter and their clothing choices didn't match at all.

Gray was kind of flustered that he didn't notice in the beginning. But the fatigue didn't make him the sharpest. Besides: he didn't expect Rose to be here. 

'Are you going to argue, or are you going to take care of Bozu?' 

'Right', Gray walked to the other cradle and picked the "wildchild". He noticed that Bozu would be a hand full. 'But we'll talk about this'. 



Bozu just received a fresh diaper and the old one disappeared where no one would dare to look again. After that he showed Rose how to bottle feed the youngest.  He made sure the bottle was at the right temperature, checking the heat with his wrist. After that he handed the bottle. 

Rose made sure she held the bottle up to prevent that Teru would drink some air. Otherwise he'd surely get stomachache. 

Gray observed his old enemy while she gave his baby the bottle. They were sitting in the livingroom, each on one end of the sofa.
The icemage was wiggling his finger in the little palm of Bozu. If he wouldn't distract the little one, he would surely cause some ruckus. 

'So?' Gray started when the silence began to nag him.

Rose stared intense at the bottle avoiding every possible eyecontact. She said nothing.

'You don't have to talk about it. I should bring Juvia dinner anyway', Gray stood up with Bozu still in his arms. He cooed happily when his father hopped up and down a little. 

Rose simply looked when he disappeared into the kitchen. A few minutes later he reappeared with a plate and walked up the stairs towards the master bedroom. 

'Room service', Gray looked around the corner to see if Juvia was awake. With one arm he made sure Bozu wouldn't fall and with the other he held up the plate. He had to open the door with a push from his shoulders.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now