chapter 42- the mountains

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It was getting warmer. Spring was only just beginning and the summer was already showing their colours. The sun was high into the sky and Levy jumped over a gap between rocks. Gajeel needed only one step to get over the same gap.

'What is it?', he grumbled.

Levy looked up with confusion reading on her face. 'What do you mean?'

'You keep looking at that mountain', the grumbling continued. They got up before the sun was even peeking over the horizon and since then they've been walking. Gajeel wouldn't mind to set up camp and catch some Z's, even if it was still early. They still had to hunt for lunch as well. Their supplies were running low at the moment.

Levy continued to walk. She did not once look at him. Her mouth was shut. The dragon slayer noticed her quick glances at the mountain a few more times. He didn't ask about it again. She would talk about it if she wanted to.

There was another gap between rocks. This time it had to be a big jump for the short woman. It was a rough terrain and these gaps were proof of it.
Gajeel got closer when Levy was taking her time to judge the gap. Would she be able to make it? If not she could make a nasty fall. Not enough to break bones. But a big chance that she would hurt her foot. They still had several days before returning to Fairy Tail.
Gajeel didn't want to take the risk. He swung an arm around her waist and jumped before she had the chance to realise what was happening. Levy clutched his clothes and let out a shriek of joy.

'Don't do that', she slapped his arm while laughing.

'So much for thanks', he huffed before grinning back. 'I bet you need my help some more. So you better not hit me every time I try to be your prince charming'.

'Did you really just call yourself that?', the bluenette was sincerely surprised.

'You called me that first and I like it'.

'Sure....', Levy stood on her own feet again and continued to walk. The terrain got rougher after a while. She had to climb on steep hills or jump down. After almost slipping on one of the rocks she turned around. 'I give up. This is impossible', Gajeel came closer. 'AND NO...', he stopped. 'You're not going to carry me around'.

Gajeel shrugged. 'What do you want to do?'

'Let's go over the mountain', she pointed. It was a little back.

'There?', he pointed as well. 'With slippery ice and an abyss no one will ever find us?'

'It's not that bad there. Let's go'. Levy turned around and huffed her backpack high on her shoulders. She had a reason to go up there. It was the mountain where Rose had been trapped for several years. It was the last thing she wanted to do, feeling it would really end her grief. Levy had no problem to laugh, but she would feel guilty immediately after.
She had already asked Gajeel to travel a wide distance only to say her farewells to Rose. And to be honest, she didn't want to ask more of him. But on the other hand, she was already here. It was a stop she needed to make.

The rough boyfriend followed her in a steady pace. Always a few feet behind her. Enough to give her the distance but close enough to help if needed.

Even high in the mountain were cracks. These were hidden by a layer of eternal snow. 'Be careful', Gajeel mumbled behind her. He sped up and walked side by side with the bluenette.
Levy looked up. They were close to the spot described by Gray. That was the same spot were Rose had survived several years. She sped up, hearing Gajeel grumbling. 'What's the deal, shrimp?', he asked.

'It's nothing', she lied. Her eyes kept locked on the place. As if it would disappear the moment she would avert her eyes. She tripped over a rock but stumbled before falling. 'Watch out!', Gajeel grabbed her arm before she could hit the ground. Levy shook the gesture away. 'I'm fine'.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora