chapter 41- I'm coming home

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Gajeel and Levy stood in front of the city that was once the town where she grew up. It still was, but nothing remained of the city. The buildings were in shambles and the once that could still stand, were painted with black stains that were up to imagination.
The bodies of the deceased were given a place to rest a long time ago.

A terrible fate had befallen this town long time ago. Levy had planned to return here eventually but she was never able to. Bringing Gajeel was a good idea. He eased her nerves.
It was another week after the funeral of Rose when Levy had grabbed her stuff and surprised Gajeel with a visit, asking if he could come with her that same say. She was ready to give this pain a place to rest. To do so, she wanted to visit their old home.

Both Gajeel and Levy spoke only the necessary words. Their silence was in respect of the ones that past over to the other side a long time ago. Even if they needed to talk, it was in a hushed voice. Levy guided the dragon slayer to one of the building that laid in crumbled. A big piece was blasted from the side. The other part of the house had trouble standing straight. Bricks and wooden studs laid scattered over the main street.

'Can I have some time alone?', Levy asked when she stood in front of her parent's house. It's been more than 10 year since she last visited the place. A shiver went up and down her spine.

'Sure shrimp', Gajeel offered Levy her own bag back. This time there were no books on the trip. She was heavy packed with other stuff. The bluenette had gathered some momentous from Rose and the few she had left from her parents. Levy would make a little altar outside, it the garden, to commemorate her family.

She opened the gate and had to find the path to the back through the tall grass. Weeds and bushes had grown up to her waist. This ghost town was free of visitors, no one would tend the gardens anymore. The eerie feeling didn't go unnoticed. Levy looked behind her a few times, scared that the demon would return suddenly, even if she knew that the demon had died a long time ago.

Gajeel, her support, gave her an almost invisible nod. It made her feet step forward.

The tree in the back was unrooted. Old dirt still hang in clutches from those same roots. The leaves had fallen a long time ago.
Just under the branches was a little spot. Levy liked the spot and pulled out the weeds at that place. She wanted to put much effort in this task and didn't grab her pencil once. She would do this without magic.

It took longer than she could imagine. The weeds were tough and objected, they would revile deep roots. Levy continued and dug if she needed to. In the end she had created a spot. The momentous got arranged in a beautiful pattern, decorated with flowers, pictures and small statues.

Levy was able to sit in front of the humble altar after two hours of hard work. She hadn't heard Gajeel in those two hours. The man had patients worth of gold.

The script mage folded her hands and started to pray. 'Hey mams, dads... it's been a while. I hope Rose has arrived well'. She thought for a moment. There were tons of things she wanted to say, but it was difficult. She felt more at peace this time. Not to compare with that time at the funeral. 'I will join one day. But I need to grow old first. I found a great place, Fairy Tail. I met some great people there and I want to spend many more days with them... I'm not sure if there is a god that will give us all a place to stay in heaven. Maybe you can visit us some day if you reincarnate. But I want to meet you all at the golden plains if it's time. I will let you meet Gajeel by that time. I wouldn't ask Rose about him yet though', she had a faint smile on her face. Mostly painted by grieve. 'Rose, I will convince you to like him when I meet you again, alright? I will prove you that Gajeel is a great man. I just can't lose him too'.
Unable to come up with more words, she unfolded her hands and stood up. It was time to go back to the man in question.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя