chapter 19- revelation

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'How about this one?' Gray showed Juvia a pamphlet.

She shook her head when she saw the costs. 'We can't afford that one.'

'I can take more quests.'

'Juvia needs help taking care of the baby as well. How about these?' She slid the pamphlets under his nose.

Juvia kept on searching while Gray read the details. Juvia was now 4 months pregnant. Her baby-bum was relevantly small for the baby, but it became difficult to hide her belly.

Juvia would sometimes stay over at Gray when it became late. But she tried to sleep at the dorm at regular base. Meanwhile they would search for an apartment where they could live together by the time the baby arrived, but was proven to be quite difficult to find a rather large place with low rent.

'This one needs lots of renovation to make it safe for the baby', Gray slid it to the reject pile. 'But this one sounds good'.

They didn't tell anyone that Juvia was pregnant.
Gray didn't want anyone of the guild blowing everything out proportion now he told Juvia how he felt. But more important, Juvia didn't want to tell people that she was possibly raped. It wouldn't do any good if they told everyone it was Grays baby, only to find out it wasn't.

But it is possible that someone would ask Juvia soon about her growing belly, she showed several symptoms after all.

They wouldn't run away from the guild. If someone asked, they would calmly explain the situation and see how they would react. They know everyone would be supportive in the end.

Juvia gasped. 'Look!'

Gray looked towards Juvia, expecting her to found a fitting house. But she was pointing towards the window. Behind the window they saw Natsu peeking behind the curtains.

Grays heart dropped and cold sweat covered his body. This was fear.

Natsu started running towards the front door when he saw Gray looking back at him. Not even a second later he was banging on the door.

'Hide the pamphlets', Gray ordered while walking towards the door.

'Open up Gray!', Natsu kept knocking on the door as his life depended on it.

'Just a moment. I'm not dressed!'

'Since when do you bother?' Natsu growled back.

Gray looked back to see that Juvia hid almost every pamphlet under his bed. When everything was clear he opened the door a little bit. With his foot he made sure Natsu couldn't swing the door open.

'What is it, Natsu?' Gray growled.
'Is someone else here?' Natsu tried to peek but Gray blocked his view.


'I was sure I saw some blue hair... Is it Juvia?' Natsu whispered the question with an evil grin on his face.

'There is no one'

'Could it be the body pillow she gave you?' the grin on Natsu's face was truly the one of a demon.

'I told you there is no one', Gray tried to push him away.

'You know I could just smell it if someone was here'.

'Don't you dare', Gray grabbed Natsu's nose, preventing any sniffing.

Out of nowhere the blue exceed suddenly the blue exceed was heard behind Gray. 'Oi Natsu, Natsu! Juvia is here!!'. Gray quickly turned around to see an open window and Happy pointing at Juvia. Happy had a smile that matched Natsu's grin perfectly.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now