chapter 27- tired

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Levy ran around the corner of the narrow street. She jumped over a barrel and had to duck under the clothesline. A shirt jumped from the clothespin and disturbed her vision. She clawed and the cloths and threw it to the side. It was too late. On the other side of the street she saw him standing.

Spinning on her heels she was going to try her second attempt to escape. Don't let him see me. Don't let him see me.

Once more she passed the clothesline, quickly avoiding the clothes without decreasing her speed. Faster, I can't be faster. Her thoughts weren't on the positive side. Faster, she wanted to encourage herself.

She almost jumped over the barrel when she saw him again. This time glaring right at her. He'd seen her. It was to late. Hide, I need to hide. Cold sweat broke out when she saw the man shaking his head, telling running was futile. I can't give up.

Levy tried to catch breath but her heart was beating vicious in her chest. Her throat was dry and her legs shaking. She closed her eyes and grabbed enough confidence to turn around. Hide, run and hide. I can do this, I can't no I can. Run, run... run.

Her feet were able to carry her over the cobblestone far faster then she knew she could but it wasn't fast enough. Fear made it impossible to think while running.

She passed the clothesline for the third time, this time noticing stairs downwards. Hoping luck was in her favor she jumped down and ended up in front of the backdoor of someone's house. She pulled way harder then was necessary. The loud bang of the door hitting the wall should alarm the man. She mentally cursed. Once more hoping she had enough luck, hoping the sound went unnoticed. Her adrenaline was the blame.

Once inside she still felt not safe enough. A basket could be her trap or her hiding place. Desperate to hide now and afraid to be found she jumped in.

Her body craved for air, oxygen but didn't dare to breath, taking it in would be too loud. Levy did her best to hold it. The sound of her dress getting pulled from the straw basket was amplified and made her cringe in fear.

There was no other sound and yet she didn't believe herself. He's coming.

Slow and careful steps. Levy closed her eyes. as the steps neared the basket she knew she should've tried to run or at least find a better hiding place.

'Iney, Mini...', the man placed his foot extra loud on the concrete floor of this basement. 'Miney and Moo'. Another step and Levy was sure he was coming her way.

'Catch a tiger...' another step. His foot touched the basket. The straw complained when he pushed lightly as if checking the weight. ' its toe'.

Light colored the straw walls of levy's (now-)prison as the lit was lifted. Levy looked up.

'If she screams let him go'. the man added. But Levy had no voice left nor did she believe that screaming would redeem her freedom. He calmly smiled, awaiting her answer but all she did was taking the opportunity to catch her breath.

'What are you doing Mini?' he asked with a teasing smile.

'Nothing', Levy grabbed the hand he offered. 'Why were you following me Jet?'

'So you did recognize me?' he asked in return without answering her question, earning a flustered blush on her face.

'Not immediately', she knocked the dust from her dress.

'But you did hide'. He couldn't help to sound insulted. They were friends for a long time. He asked her to join Shadow Gear but she was running away now he was showing affection. He thought she would have the decency to at last tell him how she felt.

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