chapter 23- the little one

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Somehow I got the idea that this chapter was most anticipated >_<
Everyone thanks for the likes and the comments.

I love to read those :3


'White?' Juvia asked with wide eyes. She glanced over at Gray. She saw him thinking. With some trouble she was able to reach out to him. He looked up, his thoughts interrupted, when Juvia touched his hand. He grabbed hers in return.

'Get ready to push', Porlyusica warned her.

Sweat was already dripping from Juvia's forehead. She had trouble breathing at this time. Gray summoned another laying of ice to help her fight the heat.

'Ju- Juvia didn't d-', she huffed another time.

'Figure it out another time. PUSH', Porlyusica warned and Rose stepped closer.

Gray looked with anticipation as Juvia gave all she had. Her pain continued but she was able to continue. The tension released and the young mother was able to breath freely again.

As soon as the little one was freed from it's safe refuge it started crying. A strong cry filled the room. But even under the untrained ear, you could hear it was a cry of pain. The baby was suffering.
Both parents held their breath.

In the corner of his eye Gray noticed that the door opened. Natsu was trying to look inside but Porlyusica had noticed the troublemaker too. 'Out!' she scolded. It was Rose who saw that the dragonslayer was pulled away from the door by Lucy. They could all hear Lucy argue with Natsu after the door closed.

Rose took the baby as soon as the cord was cut by Porlyusica.

'It's a boy', the medicinewoman stated.

Meanwhile Rose placed her hand on the chest of the little boy. Within an instant she knew where she had to dig in the skin to remove the curse. With the same ease Rose showed before, she now dug in the fresh flesh. She didn't doubt now just because it was a baby she had to hurt. It was because she wanted to safe his life, that she didn't doubt.

Rose waited a few seconds before pulling her nail out. On the tip was now a darkbrown slurry attached. When every last bit was removed the baby flinched and continued to cry, but it didn't seem as if it was suffering. Gray and Juvia laughed in relieve.

It was finally the turn of Juvia to hold her own baby. Her dark blue eyes looked down on the baby with white hair. 'You're so tiny', Juvia commented as she played with his hand. The little one tried to grasp his mothers finger.

Gray was happy that the baby was healthy but now he had the opportunity to worry about the next thing: his white hair.

Meanwhile Juvia pressed a kiss on the head of the little one. Suddenly her expression grew even happier and she looked up at Gray. 'Did Gray-sama hear Juvia before?' she asked with a smile. She must have meant her unfinished sentence.

He just looked at her with a frown. His eyes shifted to the baby and he noticed something.

'Juvia didn't do anything with someo-'

'Isn't he beautiful', Gray interrupted her.

Juvia looked puzzled at him because he'd normally didn't interrupt her.

'Our baby I mean', Gray smiled.

'You know?' was the response of the mother after receiving a kiss from her beloved.

'Don't underestimate an icemage', he ruffled the hair of the little one. Under a thin layer of frost he saw a few strains of dark blue hair. The little one already showed a talent for the art of ice magic.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ