chapter 14- flower covered hill

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'Take it easy', Lyon rested his hand on Juvia's shoulder before leaving the room. He glared at Gray but said nothing. Gray raised his eyebrow but Lyon gave no response. When his old rival was out the room, he walked towards Juvia.

She was still smiling bright. 'Lyon-sama told Juvia she could go outside', she was ready to get out of bed.

'Oi! Calm down', he walked quickly to her and rested his hands on her shoulders, keeping her from getting up. 'Are you feeling alright?'

'Juvia feels great', she pouted. 'It's common to vomit'. She made another attempt to get up.

'Only in the beginning', he removed his hands and Juvia jumped on her feet.

'Juvia feels great', she repeated as she wrapped her arms around his and pulled him closer. 'Besides, Juvia wants to go on a date with Gray-sama', she squeeled in happiness. Juvia pulled him even closer if that was possible.

'O... Oi, this isn't a date!', but he couldn't help to smile. I didn't even knew I would miss this. '...Are you sure?'.

If it's possible, her smile even grew wider. She seemed so excisted, Gray couldn't help to blush when he was memerised by her smile. She nodded in enthousiasme. Some strains of her escaped a ponytail she had made when he left the room for a moment. 'Juvia really wants to go'.

'Alright then', Gray flashed a tender smile. It wasn't for long, but it was there. He moved some of her hair behind her hair. Juvia started to blush. Gray started to walk away, while keeping their arms locked, before Juvia could have one of her "lovely outburst".
They walked out of the guild and were met with a bright sun. Juvia kept smiling the whole way through the town.

Gray was going to treat Juvia for some ice-cold iced-tea and some dango's. Not once did Juvia lessen her grip. As they stood still, waiting for their drinks, she laid her cheek on her shoulder. She even closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment with a dreamy expression. Gray could freely look towards the water mage when her eyes were closed. For the second time this day, a tender smile appeared.

'Sir? Your order is ready', Gray quickly looked up so Juvia wouldn't see him staring. But it he ended up blushing like crazy. Juvia noticed the blush and held back a giggle. Gray-sama couldn't look cuter, she thought as she took her iced tea and dango's from him.

'Where do you want to go?', Gray mumbled with a little blush still visible.

'There is a field nearby. Juvia likes to go there with Gray-sama'.

'Sure. Lead the way'.

As they were walking across town they saw the tall dragon slayer with the petit script mage. They were staring at the store windows. Gray could see Levy pointing towards something that looked like some glasses from this distance.
'Let's go this way', Gray walked away before Levy or Gajeel could see them. It might look as if he was embarrased, but he simply didn't want anyone to interupt their... date.

With a little detour they reached the field on a hill. The whole hill was covered in various coloured flowers overlooking the city. 'It's even more beautifull then Juvia imagined', her eyes had a sparkle within them.
A light breeze swept across the hills and a few flowerpetals flew up into the sky.

Gray stood a little distance away from Juvia, admiring the beauty who held her blue hair behind her ear.

It took a while but that moment of peace was broken when Juvia started to walk towards Gray. Even the wind seemed to lay down. It was then that Gray noticed that Juvia walked somehow uncomfortable.

'What's wrong?', he asked while pointing at her feet.

'Nothing', she answered.

'Don't lie. Just tell me'

'Juvia's feet are hurt', she mumbled.

Gray sighed, 'That's all?' Juvia nodded.

'Alright', Gray walked towards her and sat near her. 'Give me your feet'.

'What!?' Juvia squeeked.

'You said it hurt, didn't you? You should have said so earlier', he tapped the soft grass next to him and Juvia obeyed, sitting down. She laid in the grass and placed her feet next to Gray. Without doubt he pulled her feet on his lap and started taking of her shoes.

'W- what are you doing Gray-sama?', Juvia asked with a blush.

'What do you think', he had to blush aswell. The strange couple, the exhibistonist and the stalker, sat on the flower-covered-hill as he massaged her acing feet.


'hmm?' he replied.

'Juvia wants to go back to Fairy Tail', Juvia said while looking up to the bright sky.

'You should', Gray smiled towards the watermage.

'Do you think master would be mad because Juvia told no one where she was?'

'Maybe', Juvia flinched a little when she heard Gray's answer, altough she suspected the answer '...But, everyone would be happy when they got to see you again. We are a family after all. And you want to know that your family is doing well'. Gray concluded.

Juvia smiled gratefull. 'And the family is going to expand', she said as she stroke her belly.

Gray stopped massaging one of her feet and laid a hand on hers. The three hands rested on her stomach. 'Juvia... I've been thinking'. Gray struggled to find the right words.

'...There isn't really a good way to say this. So I'm just going to blurt it out... You shouldn't stay at Fairy Hills when the baby's here. It would be a bother to the others'. He scratched behind his ear. He couldn't say what he really wanted to say.

'But where could Juvia go?' she frowned in thought.

'Well...', Gray continued to massage her feet, this time with a little more force but it didn't felt unpleasened. '...It went well when we were living together... so I thou-'

'Gray-sama!' Juvia yelped happily. Somehow she was able to jump him in the arms and tackle him to the ground in enthousiasme. The force made them roll down the hill for a few meters. In a reflex Gray stretched his leg so they wouldn't tumble too far. With his arm he protected Juvia and the unborn.

When they stopped after just a few meters he looked down to see Juvia still with her eyes closed. Her hands had a tight grab on his arms. 'Be more carefull!', Gray scolded. He wasn't angry, but his heart was still throbbing in his chest.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked the ravenhaired boy into the eyes. There noses were just a few inches apart. Instead of apologising, Juvia started to squeek. 'Juvia is really happy', her arms wrapped around the back of his neck. With one of her hands she stroke strains of his hair. 'Juvia is going to live with Gray-sama!', she laughed with relief and a uncontrolable happiness.

'Not so fast! Your not going to live in my house', Gray said. He paused to look into her eyes. Deep blue eyes. They contained a mystery, just like the ocean has countless mysteries on its bottom. This time the mystery contained a little confusion.

'Juvia can't?', it sounded dissapointed.

'Well, it's not like I'll be living there anyway. It's too small for two people and a baby'.

Juvia just started into his eyes. Gray could see when she started to realise what he had said. Tears welled up in her eyes. She whiped them away. 'Thank you Gray-sama', she snickered. This was for real. The weight of the world dissapeared from her shoulders. Every worry she had so far was solved now Gray would care for her and the baby. 'Thank you', she said again as she continued to cry of happiness.

Gray smiled gentle while one thought kept repeating in his head. I love you Juvia.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now