chapter 29- unfitting yet fitting

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'Boyfriend?' the writer repeated in disbelieve. Levy nodded happily. She was about to talk again but Gajeel interupted with an annoyed tone in his murmur.
'I don't have time for this', he lifted Levy and swung him over his shoulder. The script mage started to giggle. 'Sorry, but I have to go'. She waved while Gajeel picked up her bag, grabbed one of the unconscious bandits and left.

'Wait!' he yelled but Gajeel didn't respond. 'Is this really alright? Will you be fine?'

'Of course she will', the tall man huffed.

'I will', Levy added. But the writer wasn't convinced and started to follow the couple. He was sure to keep some distance between the studded figure and himself while keeping an eye on Levy's well being.

The bluenette tried to convince him that everything was fine. Slowly he started to realize that Gajeel wouldn't hurt his new friend.

'But you two are so different', the writer eventually said.

'More like two halfs making a whole in my eyes', Levy replied. 'I wouldn't trade him for anyone'.

'Who are you anyway?' Gajeel joined the conversation. By this time Levy was walking with her own two feet.

'Ow yeah, I never introduced myself. My name is Pause', he held out his hand to introduce himself to Gajeel but the dragon slayer just peered at him. 'All right then', Pause said uncomfortable with the situation.

Levy laughed and kept up the conversation while Gajeel led them through the forest till they arrived at the village where Levy was planning to start her hunt to the bandits in the first place.

They dropped the unconscious bandit of by a police station.

'This is where you leave', Gajeel turned to Pause.

'What why?'

'I don't need to explain myself'. But Levy had no trouble explaining. 'Remember what I told you about my sister and Gajeel?' Pause nodded. 'We decided to keep it a secret, so this is our get-away together'.

'You told him that?' Gajeel asked.
'Does it matter?'

'As long as he stay quiet about it'.

'I will', Pause answered.

'Thank you, but I guess this is really where we part. Maybe I'll see you sometime around in Magnolia'.

'Perhaps, it would be fun to visit again anyway', the writer waved them off.

'Glad that's over', Gajeel huffed another time. Levy started to smile and followed him. 'Don't tell me you are jealous'.

'Of course not', a faint blush was shown on the dragon slayers cheeks. 'But don't invite a man to sleep next to you again'.

'Hai Hai', Levy smile grew even wider. The next moment she had her arms wrapped around one of his. 'So how do you want to capture the other bandits?' she asked.

'Was the warning from before not good enough? I bet they are not coming back'.

'That's until we are leaving. Then they will terrorize these people', they just happened to walk past a crying child at that moment. His mother just ran towards him to care for his chapped knee.

Gajeel sighed. 'But only because you're right'. That made Levy smile again. 'Stop doing that to me', Gajeel suddenly said.

'Levy looked up, confused. 'What?'

'You know.. that smile of yours. My stomach doesn't like it'.

His girlfriend started to chuckle. 'I didn't think I would ever hear you say something like that', her chuckle continued.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now