chapter 37- darkest corner of a cave

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Gajeel ran as quick as the tiny legs of Levy could, cursing the day he agreed to swap bodies. He ran towards the guild with all his might, tripping over the uneven laid cobblestone street. He ignored the limits of the fragile body of his girlfriend. He was panicking.
Levy was kidnapped a minute ago and her older sister was taken as well. He had no idea whom had taken her nor did he know where they went. He had to guess.
Levy could be in danger if she was stuck in his body and the kidnapper was out to take revenge on 'Gajeel'. She couldn't even use all of her magic when residing in the wrong body.

He cursed loud as he gasped for breath. This body had trouble sprinting. Make a mental note: train Levy when this was over.

The bandanna that kept Levy's unruly hair in place loosened. Thick strains of hair escaped.

'LEVY....!', he yelled as he entered the guild. 'LEVY IS KIDNAPPED'.

Many eyes looked at him strange. 'What do you mean?', Mirajane asked careful.


'Then who are you?', it seemed like Mirajane understands the situation better than some others. For example: Wakaba walked up to Levy and checked her body for any abnormalities. It was Levy's real body so of course there was nothing to see. 'Aren't you Levy?', he asked.


'Gajeel, how?'

'How could I possibly switched bodies with Levy?', was his sarcastic response. 'Welcome to a world with magic', he threw his arms into the sky for a pinch of drama. 'Are you going to help or not!?'

'We will split up', Mirajane was already into her satanic form. She quickly split the members of Fairy Tail into team. Gajeel was out of the door before he was assigned to one. He didn't want to waste a second of his time. However, he did feel a lot of gratitude for these people he secretly called friends. He was alone for the biggest part of his life. He finally had people he could rely on and they could rely on him.

He ran through the city of magnolia, trying to sniff with the little amount of dragon slayer magic he could obtain at the moment.
A brick almost hit him, rolling a few meters further. He turned around but he didn't notice a suspect in the crowd.

Some people surrounded "Levy" to ask if she was startled and alright. Gajeel mumbled a quick response and noticed a letter wrapped around the brick, just like the other time.
He reached out for it and noticed a quick handwriting with an address.

He grabbed a nearby man by the collar and asked where he had to be.

'Are you really going there, Levy?', the man asked, obviously knowing the script mage.

Gajeel decided to answer him in a manner Levy would. He let go of the man. 'They took my friends, I need to go if I want to safe them'.

The man nodded, he believed Gajeel. 'Do you know the pet shop in the west?', he continued to direct Gajeel to the right direction and prayed for good health of both Levy and her friends.

'Thank you', Gajeel clutched the piece of paper in his fist and hurried towards a seemingly abandoned mine shaft in the west. They used to mine for gems there. But that was a long time ago and people weren't allowed inside.
Gajeel inspected the mine before entering. The wooden beams showed signs of neglect and the edged were moulder. He had to be careful if he was going to start a fight in this place.

To late he realized that he forgot to warn the others. He removed one of Levy's sleeves, matching her dress and placed it near the entrance. They could find him. There were enough people who could see or sniff the sleeve if they wanted to. It was still Levy's scent. Gajeel decided that Natsu would be dumb enough to search for Levy's scent, even after swapping bodies.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now