chapter 7-broken

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Thanks for reading!!

Sorry, this Fanfic has less Gruvia then the previous :s
Don't worry it's worth the wait.

But if u need your dose of Gruvia now.... I've added a Gruvia one-shot! (Juvia's room)

The woman glared over the edge. She bend forward, not carring she might recieve a push from a gush of wind. She scanned the area in search of the cocky ice mage.

He dared to visit her on the mountain and ask for help. 'Tsk', she clicked with her toung. Once an annoying brat, always an annoying brat.

She couldn't see any sign of Gray, but she knew he wasn't dead. She had no choice. Now he was here, she could take revenge. As she made her way down, she started to think what he said.

He wanted to help her. HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS WRONG! She balded her fist. Before she would kill him,she was going to punch the teeth out his mouth.

She walked towards the place he probably fell. She soon saw his blue pants covered under some snow.

As she neared the boy she saw blood seeping from a old wound. Now she looked closer, she saw some marks and scars. It seemed he was badly injured not long ago.

She grinned as she kicked him over. 'Did you want to make it easy? Why did you came injured?' she asked herself out loud.

Her foot rested on the side of his chest. She enjoyed the sight of Gray cringing in pain when she placed more weight on one of the wounds.

A unbareble pain made Gray concious of his surroundings. The first thing he notices was the sharp pain in his side. After that he heard the wind blowing over the mountain. The wind was accompagnied with another sound. The voice of the woman. 'See you in Hell', were the words she spoke.

The pain near in his side doubled when she placed even more weight. She was going to kick him down again! Within a second Gray grabbed her foot and tried to push her away.

'Just die already', she hissed.

'I won't. I have to go home', he crawled up. She allowed him, knowing she could kick him down the mountain once more if she felt like it. 'I still have to give Juvia my clear-cut-response'.

'That won't do', she stared at him without an expression. Her blue-white eye seemed dead to him. Her green eye had more lust for life in it, although it missed the sparkled most people had. Her tangled blue hair and torn white dress flow through the air with every gush of wind.

'I will help you if you let me' Gray offered once more.

'I already beat you. What makes you think I would surrender?'

'You said I took your chance to love from y...', he began.

'You remember that. But not HOW you destroyed my life?' she spit the words at him.

'Then tell m..' she swung at him. Gray wasn't able to finish his scentence.

'Fine', Gray said. His eyes darkened. He would rather help her. But if she didn't let him help her, he had to defeat her.

'Ice make hamer....!
Ice make storm!!!
Ice make GYSER!!!'. Gray quickly drained himself from his magic.

'Just die!!!', she yelled at him as she avoided the attack. It sounded desperate.

'I won't!' he yelled back. 'Ice make LANCE'. He focused all his magic on the attack and with succes. She was hit by several of the icy spikes.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now