chapter 22- breathing is the hardest part

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'Gray-sama?' Juvia asked from the bedroom.

'I'm coming', soon the ice mage appeared in the opening of the door. 'Is everything alright?'

'Juvia is fine. But she is a bit thirsty'.

'You're sure strong', Gray gave her a peck on the kiss. 'How about some tea?'

'Please', Juvia answered and Gray walked to the kitchen. He was worried about the baby and his girlfriend.

Girlfriend, he thought and started to smile. It was four months since he confessed but he couldn't seem to get used to the word. While he tried to get used to it he was torn between guilt (because it was his fault that the unborn was cursed), he was worried and yet he was hopeful and happy. Everyone kept repeating that both Juvia and Gray are strong, so they were sure the baby would survive. Even Rose told them that she had expected Juvia to have a more difficult pregnancy. So everything should be fine... everyone hopes.

And yet, Juvia had trouble moving her muscles at the moment. First the fatigue started to forcefully take a hold of the watermage. After that her muscles started to ache. Last and worst... the baby started to kick more vicious and more often, as if it tried to escape.

Gray finished making the tea and walked upstairs. Juvia had already fallen asleep by that time. Gray sat on the edge of the bed and shook her shoulders slightly. He knew she wouldn't mind if he woke her up, especially because she asked for the tea a minute before.

'Juvia is awake', she said while waking up. Gray had to help her sit straight. After that he brought the cup to her lips. It would hurt the rainwoman to raise the cup of her own. It reminded him of that time when Juvia had to feed him because his arms were broken.

After taking several sip, Gray removed the cup and pressed his lips against hers. Maybe it was only because he loved her, or maybe it's because he saw how serious this was. Just think what Rose said, he thought. It should have been worse. She is just tired, this isn't too serious. He couldn't help to kiss another time.

The second kiss made Juvia giggle. 'Gray-sama i...', she yawned. 'is assertive today'.

Gray put the cup on the side table and laid next Juvia on the bed. Juvia owned a four-poster bed. So it was only natural to choose that bed over the single bed of Gray.

'How are you holding up?' Gray couldn't help to ask.

'Juvia is fine', she repeated herself.

'You should stay awake for awhile'

Juvia nodded and said: 'Juvia can't wait till the baby comes'.

'Just 1 more month', Gray mumbled.

'Juvia thinks you'd be a great dad'.

'You'll be a great mom as well', Gray responded.

When Juvia said nothing he glanced at her and saw her troubled expression. 'What's wrong?'

'Juvia is afraid... What if something goes wrong? Juvia isn't feeling so good'.

Gray thought for a moment before answering the question. 'I think that we're going to have a strong baby'. Gray rubbed the belly and it was as if the baby wanted to prove Gray was right, because he gave a force kick. Juvia tried to smile and started to stroke her belly with her hand on top of Grays.

Gray continued; 'and I think you're very strong. Especially when I think what you are going through...' He gave her a little kiss on her forehead. '...And you can ask me if you need anything', he added.

Juvia sighed content and laid her head on his shoulder. She soon closed her eyes, she was feeling tired already although she just woke up.

'Try to stay awake', Gray nudged her. 'It's not good if you slept non-stop'.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now