chapter 26- girls night?

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Levy noticed a small rock on her trail. With a force kick she made the rock flew a distance away from her. With puffed cheeks and her fists balded she resumed her path towards her house. 'Baka Gajeel', she murmured under her breath.

'Vy-chan!', Rose yelled. 'Wait a moment'

Levy did slow down but didn't want to look behind her. Her sister was able to catch up quickly anyway.

'Are you alright?' Rose asked when she was able to walk besides her.

'Sure', Levy answered but her voice told a different story.

'You don't even need him. He would up hurting you sooner or later', the older sister tried to reason in order to calm her down. But her efforts only backfired.

'Well, he just did!', she threw her hands in the air. 'I can't believe him!', she complained.

'Nice punch tough', her arm wrapped around her little sisters neck. Levy chuckled a little even while mentally frowning. 'Besides, this is probably for the best'.

That remark made Levy sigh. 'I don't know'.

'Please don't tell me you still trust him! You don't even know where he comes from'.

In her mind Levy relived that day. The one were she met the iron dragon slayer. The one were she ended up pinned against the tree.
A lot happened after that. But Levy knew her sister wouldn't understand. She didn't even trust him now, what would happen if she were to find out. At this point she only judged him on their few conversations and his rough looks.

'I don't know', the small mage repeated herself and with that she gave Rose her way.

'You shouldn't even let him make you feel so upset. You know?' Silence. '....We should do something, invite the others. Have a girls-night' Rose kept going on about possible plans. Back at home she grabbed a bucket of ice-cream and offered it to Levy.
Rose did noticed Levy's interest in the dragon slayer long before. But she came to the conclusion that Gajeel would mean no good. Rose didn't understood how someone like Levy could love someone like Gajeel. But even if she didn't understand her love, she did understand the feeling of despair. That's why she was going to distract Levy by all means possible.

Levy already sat on the sofa when Rose plopped besides her with two spoons sticking out the ice. 'Care for a bite?' she smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

The script mage accepted the spoon and scooped up as much as she could.

'I shall call the others', Rose jumped up again as if she forgot something. She ran up to a small lacrima stored behind a bookshelf. About 6 minutes later she returned with a smile. 'Lucy, Cana and Erza will be here in 15 minutes'

'Good', Levy tried to sound convincing, but it ended up sounding more like sarcasm.

It didn't take long before the first guest appeared. Erza stood proudly in the livingroom holding a cake. She made herself at home by not knocking, just walking in. 'I made it myself' she said, handing over the treat.

'Thanks', Levy said looking at the cake decorated with many strawberries.

'That's what friends do', Erza mentioned while walking towards the kitchen to serve herself a drink.

Next was Lucy, excusing herself for being this late. Apparently the dragon slayer wasn't very fond of her leaving the house this night for some reason.
It took a while after that before the doorbell rang again. But it wasn't Cana for a party nor Gajeel to offer apologies. Rose greeted both Jet and Droy. Jet was standing neatly in a suit wile Droy wore casual clothing... and meat.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now