chapter 35- research

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Rose stood up early. She didn't need lots of sleep. She prepared a simple breakfast and set the table. Levy just needed to take the drinks from the fridge and bake an egg if she wished.
She left a note on the table saying she suddenly felt like doing a mission. It was kind of true, although there was no request. This was her own mission.

She took pen and paper and start to walk through the city of magnolia soon after.

'Do you know Levy?', she asked shopkeepers and strangers on the street. Not many people knew about Rose so it was easier to ask these questions. Rose was more to herself. Surely people heard about her, but they didn't know her face.

'Levy-chan?', the lady from the convenient store said. 'Who doesn't know Levy?'

'Do you know her boyfriend?'

'No, I didn't know she had a boyfriend. Is it Jet, or perhaps Droy?'

'How about that Gajeel guy she talks about sometimes?', the shopkeepers husband pitched in from a distance.

'What do you know about Gajeel?', Rose walked up to the man. He knew more.

'Not much really. Heard they had a fight, but they made up'.

'How long is Gajeel living here?', she insisted to know.

'Why do you want to know?', the man was suspicious.

Rose avoided eye contact, she hadn't thought about an answer before. She couldn't really tell them that she wanted to assure herself that Levy was dating the right man. There was a high chance that they would tell her little sister later on about it. She noticed a magazine on the selves. 'I'm from the weekly sorcerer', she lied.

'Sorry, but I don't answer to the press. You should talk to him if you want answers', the conversation ended like that. Another reason not to trust Gajeel. They seemed open when Levy was the topic.

Rose didn't give up easily and continued to ask people about it. All of them gave simple answers like: 'he is the dragon slayer of Fairy Tail'.
'He has those nasty eyes'.
'I've heard he composes his own songs. I wonder if he is famous'.

No one could tell her real details until she walked into an arcade. She talked to the salesman at the ticket counter when a girl around seventeen interrupted.

'Black steel Gajeel?', she showed interest. 'Isn't he together with Levy Mcgarden?'

'Just a little', Rose admitted reluctant. She had heard the nickname one time before. She had paid no attention to it. But this girl named him with a grudge that she could only wonder if there rested a history on that nickname. She took another look at the girl.

Seventeen years. Brown hair tied in a high bun. The contrast with her blue eyes made her a beautiful girl if she would pay more attention to her appearance.
Her clothes didn't really fit and a quickly slopped-on rouge only worsened her look. She would look better if she kept her natural beauty or took some effort to apply the makeup.
Her game-themed clothes gave Rose the impression that this girl spend most of her time here in the arcade playing games.

'Why are you asking about him?', she narrowed her eyes and placed her hands in her side.

Here came Rose's newest lie: 'I'd like hire him for a job'.

'What job and why are you asking us and not him?', she was right to distrust Rose. She didn't blame the girl.

'Just one day in construction. Isn't he an iron dragon slayer?'

'He is... So that leaves the other question: why don't you ask him?'

'I can't find him. I asked around and heard that he is a busy man. I don't want to waste his time'.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now