Chapter Twenty-one

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We hear the door open but I can't move and judging by what I can see, she can't either.

"Sorry for interrupting, guys... Uhm... They were asking for you so I thought I should come for you." I hear Hayley say.

"Sure. You didn't interrupt anything. Don't be an idiot." Says Taylor now walking to the door.

"Thanks, Hayls. Just ignore her." I say. Taylor was a jerk.

"Taylor, I won't say a word... You don't need to be rude." Hayley says and well said.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

I interrupt her.

"Hey! Stop, okay? She didn't let anyone come here because of you. Not because of me. If you want to say something, try 'Thank you.' maybe or just shut up." I say as rude as she was to Hayley.

"I'm not stupid. I'm not stupid to know what is going on and I'm not stupid to go and tell everyone about it. If you wanted people to know, they would know already."

"I'm sorry." Taylor says almost crying.

"Don't. It's fine but you can trust her. She is a good person, T." I try to calm her down.

"Where were you?" Asks Summer.

"We lost track of time talking. Sorry." I say laughing in a really awkward way... I'm trying though.

This time Taylor sits next to me.

They are enjoying the movie. I'm not surprised. I'm surprised with Blake though. He is not being a jerk or anything, he is actually paying attention to the movie.

I see Taylor and Bradley whispering something to each other and then Bradley stands up from the couch, says something to Blake and goes upstairs.

"Where did he go?" I ask Taylor.

"To sleep." What?


"We'll talk about it later." She says looking in my eyes.

Sophie and Hayley are snuggling which is kind of weird but cute. They are getting close and no fights or anything.

Summer is sleeping so I get up to get four blankets. I hand one to Blake that immediatly wraps it around his body. I put another blanket on top of Sophie and Hayley and they get confortable and then I cover Summer up too with the third blanket.

"Come here." I say as I sit against the armrest where Bradley was before leaving. Taylor sits in between my legs putting our blanket on top of us and I put my arms around her.

While we are watching the movie, Taylor holds my hands. I let go one hand and pull her hair to one side and start lightly kissing from the crook of her neck to behing her ear. I feel her body move slowly as I kiss her. I notice she is turning her head to face me. I kiss her cheek and the corner of her mouth. I honestly wasn't expecting to do this but it felt amazing.

With the arm I have around her, I squeeze her body against mine. Taylor is looking at me with her head against my collar bone. I slowly lean my head forward and I find myself again at this same point where I'm feeling her breathing and I want to kiss her. I shouldn't though. If I kiss her this will be a total mess.

It's amazing how our body and mind works. I'm here fighting against myself not to kiss her but then I lean my head forward and bit her lower lip. This bite automatically turns into a soft and sweet kiss. My heart is racing like crazy. And when I feel her tongue touching mine my whole system fails and I don't want to stop.

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