Chapter Nineteen

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"Really? How could you let this go? How could you be so calm?" Taylor is almost yelling at me.

"T., it is as simple as this: I won't keep pushing her to wait"

Taylor interrupts me.

"Pushing her? I can't believe you."

I interrupt her.

"Stop, Taylor." I say louder that I wanted to. She look right in my eyes. They are sad and full of anger. "I thought that she wanted to wait. She f*cked up to many times and she seemed really really sorry for what she did this last couple of weeks. And she asked me for time. She asked me to give her time. Tomorrow she will regret doing that with Blake and I don't care, I'm done with all of this."

"Don't say that. You love her..." She says lightly.

"Even if I did... She doesn't love me. That's for sure." I say grabbing something to drink from my fridge. "Do you want something?"

"No, baby. I'm okay." Taylor says with a light smile. "Look, let me talk to her. Honestly, Blake means nothing to her. Believe me."

"Even if it's true and he means nothing, will she jump on top of him everytime we fight? Because fighting because of sex and having to deal with Blake after that is a f*cking deja vu." I laugh. But she doesn't...

"Don't hate her and don't give up on her. Her brain stops sometimes and she was too drunk"

I interrupt her.

"That's a lame excuse. How can you do this?" I ask sitting beside her.

"Do what?" She says looking at her hand on her lap.

"This. Keep supporting her and tell me not to give up on her." I hold her hand and start playing with her fingers.

"I know Summer since we were born, literally and I know her like nobody does. I know that she really loves you and she wants you. I never saw her looking to anyone like she looks at you, or talk, or even being jealous... She is crazy for you. But I also know that she is very impulsive."

"I deal with it tomorrow. You still have to answer me. Why didn't you tell me?" I look at her in the eyes.

"Because you love her... Because she is in love with you and she's my best friend... Because I have a boyfriend."

"You should have told me." I feel like she doesn't trust me or something. "I'm going to bed. You?" I ask without looking at her.

"What is going on?" Taylor asks standing up and pulling my arm.

"Nothing is going on." I say taking her hand off of my arm.

"Oh really? Now we lie to each other? Is that it?" She is angry at me. Well, I'm angry at you too, Taylor.

"It seems like it, doesn't it?" I say challenging her. Taylor bites her lip.

"Are you going to lie now? Because I didn't told you one thing." She says.

"I don't know if it really is just one thing." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Oh now you don't trust me, Mariana?" She asks shocked.

"You lied to Summer in my face. You are the one starting the lies. Don't make this my fault."

"You are the one making me fall for you." She puts a hand on her mouth, shocked by what she said. "I hate you." She says lightly. "Why do you do this?"

"Do what?" I honestly have no idea what she is talking about.

"You make me talk. Even if I don't want to say a thing"

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