"Ugh, that's Daddy's little girl right there. Micah, too. But she's asleep." He grabbed Lay from his fiance and danced around with her for a bit. Alyssa smiled as he continued to bounce around with the baby and smother her cheeks in kisses. "Did you see Sheri?" He decided to ask.

"No." She shrugged. "Guess I'll see her when she's ready to talk."

"Oh, she's ready alright." Dray joked as Steph slightly nudged him. Sooner or later, Klay ran over and immediately grabbed Lay out of Steph's arms.

"Wassup Micah!" He bounced Lay around in his arms.

"Stupid. That ain't Micah." Dray spat, laughing at Klay.

"It's not?" He looked at Steph and Alyssa for reassurance, but they both shook their heads.

"That's Lay."

"Damn." He groaned as Alyssa took Lay back into her arms.

"Maybe next time, Klay." She said.

"Maybe next year, Klay." Steph added.

"Hopefully by next year, Klay." Draymond chimed in. Klay shot both of his middle fingers up at the two as they laughed.

"Okay, well anyways. What're you gonna do today with moms?" Steph directed his attention back to Alyssa.

"Get some food. Update her on our plans. Which reminds me." She looks at her watch before looking back at him. "Our meeting later?"

"Yes, baby. I know."

"Are you sure you'll make it with the interview being before that?"

"Yeah, come on now. Are you doubting me?" Steph slightly pouted. No lie, he was a bit hurt that Alyssa was slowly acting like she doubted him because of everything going on.

"Oohp, this turned awkward real quick." Dray slightly pushed Klay away so they could give the two some alone time.

"No. I just want you to be there."

"& I will be, Lyss. You know I wouldn't miss it for the world." He pulled her close.

"Don't be late." She pouted, giving Steph leverage to peck her lips and caress her chin.

"I won't." He smiled before kissing the twins. "I love you, beautiful. I'll see you later, alright?" Alyssa simply nodded before heading out with the girls.

Though Stephen was confident he'd be on time, time was quickly slipping through his hands. More than he would have liked. Rushing from one appointment to the next, Steph found himself buttoning up his shirt as he walked down the hallway to meet the interviewer. He shook the man's hand as he walked him through the plan for today's interview. He found himself struggling to put forth all his attention towards the interview simply because he was checking for the time. But as soon as the questions became more personal and about Alysss and the girls, Steph found himself enjoying the conversation. He loved talking about his fiance. And he loved talking about his girls. He could go on and on. And that's exactly what he did. He just felt the need to share with the world how much of a wonderful woman Alyssa was and how much of a blessing Lay and Micah were. Besides God and family, he dedicated everything to those three. He did everything with those three in mind.

"And, yeah--" Steph glanced at his watch to see that it had been 30 minutes passed the hour the interview was supposed to be over. "Shit." He whispered under his breath as he became uneasy and began to fiddle around with his things. "I'm sorry man, seems like I got caught up with those questions. Do you have any more? I don't mean to rush you and run out on you, but I have to meet with the wedding planner." The man in front of him chuckled.

"No, Mr. Curry. You're free to go."

"Thank you." Steph quickly stood as he formed his hands into prayer hands before heading out of the office. It would still take another 15 minutes to get to Alyssa & he was already getting nervous. He felt bad, as he was trying his hardest to prove her wrong & show her that this wasn't too much for him.

He already knows he's gonna get the look.

And that's exactly what he got when he ran into the office and sat himself down.

"Mr. Curry! Nice to see you." Cali said before walking into the next room to grab some things.

"Yeah, Mr. Curry. Nice to see you." Alyssa said sarcastically as she folded her arms.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. The interview just took longer than expected."

"Well that's why I asked you if you'd be okay coming here after the interview, Wardell. To avoid this from happening. We only have like, what? 15 minutes left of this meeting? Why even show up." He groaned as he rested his forehead against the groove in between his thumb and index finger.

"Lyss, I said I was sorry, alright? I really didn't think it'd take that long."

"I don't know, Steph. Whatever, don't worry about it."

"What? Don't worry about it?! You're upset."

"I am."

"So what do you want me to do to fix that?"

"Figure out your priorities, Wardell. If this wedding is too much for you right now then say something." He sighed as he quietly pounded his fist against Cali's desktop.

"It's not even that!" He threw his hands up in defeat. "You know what, let's just get through this and we'll talk about it at home."

"Yup." Alyssa simply said as she kept her eyes forward. Stephen rolled his eyes in frustration, hating the fact that they were arguing right now.

He hated arguing with her in general. & For some reason, he felt like this would be never ending with the way his schedule was going recently.

This isn't how he pictured to plan the wedding.

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