Chapter 33: Date

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Once Upon An Assassin

Chapter 33


"Have you seen the video?"

"Do you mean that one?"

"Yeah! They were so cool!!! And the girl, oh my god, her style was so pretty!"

"Her duo with Takanori was so amazing....!"

A tall female wearing a deep hat was quietly listening to the two females speak as she sipped on a mug of coffee she ordered.

Though before she could finish her drink, a tall male with sunglasses appeared in front of her.

"Ah, Taka-"

The male slapped down some money before grabbing the female by her forearm, dragging her out of the crowded cafe.

The two female who were talking watched the two disappear in puzzlement.

' They seem familiar....'


"Are you an idiot?" Takanori hissed as he sat in the seat next to the lilac haired female.

Konomi's nose twitched as she sent the dark navy blue haired male a glare, "No, I am not an idiot. And for your information, I am currently the smartest student at my school."

Takanori rolled his electric blue eyes in his own irritation and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Maa, maa, don't get so mad Taka-chan, nothing happened right?" A blond male childishly grinned as he hooked a arm with the male.

Takanori glared at Fukuyama before looking at Konomi, "This girl had to enter the most crowded cafe in the area. I don't understand what you're thinking. You can't just walk around anymore."

The female waved a dismissing hand, looking very nonchalant about the matter, "I'll be fine, I've done this before when I lived in the US. It's not something I'm not used to."

Takanori let another sigh out before taking off his glasses, rubbing his temple with his fingers. He seemed slightly tired, though his electric blue eyes seemed to be brighter than when he first met Konomi.

"The video reached a million views in just two day. You can't just walk around, expecting people not to recognize you."

Konomi rolled her lilac colored eyes, "I'm fine, I survived in America, I'm sure I can survive on this small island known as Japan."

The female sent a wink at the male before quickly exiting the van, walking into the tall building they stopped in front of.

"So, why was I called here? I have to meet a friend in a hour or so," Konomi questioned as her long limbs carried her through the crowded building. Her lilac haired that was tied into two pigtails swishing as she walked.

Beside her, six tall males walked, each of them catching the eyes of the female who worked in the agency.

"Hiro-san wants to talks to you," Kozuki Haruto gently smiled as he ran his hand through his shaggy brown hair.

A look of confusion appeared on the female's face as she slightly cocked her head to the side.

"Igarashi Hirokazu, he's the boss around here," Shimono Manabu explained as he clicked the button of the elevator they entered. His long purple hair was not in his usually ponytail but let down, reaching the middle of his broad back.

Konomi hummed in response before pulling her phone out, eyeing the time.

'I told him to meet me in front of the train station at 11. He better brought his wallet because he's paying for everything today!' The teen mischievously thought, a smile appearing on her lips.

Once Upon an Assassin (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Fanfic)(HIATUS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant