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Once Upon an Assassin


My shoulders were slumped as I walked into my home.

I was tired... No exhausted out of my mind would be a better sentence.

There were few things I learned today.

One, Karma gets his mischievousness from his mother. Although they have different colored eyes and faces, their sinister way of teasing people and their red hair were the same. All those jokes she made were the same as Karma's usual one he makes to embarrass me... Imagine X2 of Karma...

Two, Monoka-San is a CEO of a famous clothes company that even reached America and other countries. And I was scouted to become one of her models for her clothes magazine. She wouldn't let me go home until I reluctantly agreed. 

Three, Momoka-San really, really, really wants to see grandchildren running around her house soon. And I was apparently going to be the mother for her fantasy, much to my embarrassment.

That isn't going to be happening anytime soon. I mean, it's not going to ever happen with the red haired devil!! How old were we? 15! For god sake, 15!!!


I snapped out of my thought and ducked down, dodging my father's flying large form, moving away to prevent it from slamming into me.

The blond male's airborne body smacked face first into the closed door before slumping down it and falling onto the floor.

I ignored my father fallen form and slipped my shoes off, walking to the kitchen.

"Tadaima, what's for dinner?" I questioned, opening the fridge, grabbing a bottle of mugicha. (Translation: Tadaima: I'm home. Mugicha: Barley tea)

My mother smiled at me from behind the stove, though her eyes landed on the clothes I wore. A obvious look of confusion filled her brown eyes.

"Where's your uniform? And whose clothes are those? I've never seen them before?" Mom questioned as she placed the knife she had on the cutting board and wiped her hand on a towel.

A small blush spread over my face as I looked down, eyeing the extremely long button up white shirt that covered more than half of my body.

Who knew.... Wearing his clothes made me realize how quite bigger his body was then my own.

"Those are boy's clo-Ugha!" I smacked my hand behind me, successfully slamming my fist onto my father's face, knocking him out temporally.

I ignore his fallen form and leaned on the table so I could talk to Mom.

My mother intently watched me, looking strangely excited as she waited.

Well, I can already assume how she'll act.

Awkwardly I scratched my neck, "I got fell into the water in P.E. today because of the pool. I didn't have any extra dry clothes on me so I was planning on just going home wet but Karma dragged me to his," I explained as I tugged on the sleeve of the long sleeved shirt.

My mother seemed slightly excited as she nodded her eagerly, "And??"

Rolling my eyes at her excitement, I shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing much, I met Monoka-san, Karma's mother and she insisted that I took a shower. It was also decided I'll be working for her for her magazine as a model. Found out she was the CEO for the 'Crimson Butterfly' a clothes company for females," I nonchalantly
speak as I step over my father's body.

Once Upon an Assassin (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Fanfic)(HIATUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora