Chapter 15: An eye for an eye

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Once Upon an Assassin

Chapter 15


I smacked my head against the table and groaned.

Karma who sat next to me was snickering none stop, his golden eyes filled with mischief and amusement.

"Woah.... Konomi-chan.... Your hair..." Kaede-chan mumbled as she walked into the classroom.

I lifted my head up and lightly glared at the green haired female who stared at me with her eyes wide.

I groaned once again and pushed my puffy hair down in annoyance.

"Kaede-chan, please don't say it, I already known how ridiculous it looks," I grumbled as I tried to keep my lilac hair from popping up.

Since I lived in California most of my life, I've never really experienced the humid, moist season. So I've never had trouble with my hair sticking up in random direction.

But this morning....

This morning was just not my day. As soon as I woke up, I stared in the mirror in horror as my long hair stuck up.

Even mom struggled to even do anything. Minutes of man handling my hair, ripping them out of the roots, my stubborn mother gave up.

I had no choice but to go to school with my hair in a horrid mess.

"I've never knew Japan's rainy season could do this to a person," I grumbled and patted my hair with my hand.

Kaede-chan gave me a sympathetic look for a moment before digging through her bag, "Wait! I might have an solution for this!!!!" The petite female excitedly exclaimed as she continued to search through her bag, throwing out multiple pudding.

I sweat dropped at the amount of sweets but patiently watched as she continued to pull objects out.

"Here! Found it, my sist- I mean, I use this all the time when my hair becomes fizzy as well!" The green haired female placed a small container in my hand, "That's some hair treatment oil thingy, it should keep your hair from frizzing up."

My lilac eyes shined as I eagerly dabbed my hand with the oil, letting it coat my hair that wouldn't stay down.

"But I never knew the damp weather could actually do that," Nagisa-Kun decided to join us. The blue haired male held a notebook in his hand and scribbled some things into it.

"I didn't know either," I grumbled in a foul mood, running my fingers through my hair that seemed to calm down, "It was so nice with all the Sakura blossoms just few weeks ago. Why did it start to suddenly rain this week?!" I complained as I slumped on my desk.

Karma chuckled as he sent me an smirk, "What do you expect? We just entered the rainy season."

I glared at the red head in annoyance, "June isn't a month that's suppose to rain! It's suppose to be hot and sunny! The beach, swimsuits, watermelon, summer!"

"Actually that's not true in Japan. June is the month known as Tsuyu, the rainy month," Ritsu-chan suddenly joined into the conversation while popping out a calendar, "It'll stay rainy until the end of July!"

My eyes widen at the news before I slammed my head into my desk. A whole month of this weather...?

Lord, Jesus Christ.... Save me...

"Good morning class!"

All of our attention snapped to the door, my friends quickly going back to their assigned desk.

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