Chapter 5: Kabe-don and Mata-don Edited EDITED

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Once Upon an Assassin

Chapter 5


Hey guys here's chapter 5. There seemed to be some problem and some of you might have not read chapter 4 yet. You're all welcome to go back two chapters to check it out! Cause if you don't you probably won't get where we're currently are in the story.
Well I'm off to sleep it's already 12! I updated on Saturday as I promised!


As Koro-sensei's hand briefly touched the female's hand, they exploded, shocking everyone in the class.

Everything suddenly became extremely fast. Konomi's leg lashed out connecting with one of Koro-sensei's leg tentacle. Immediately it exploded into yellow goo. Landing on the floor.

'She destroyed two tentacles?!' Nagisa thought.

Karma whistled as a large mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

A panicked look appeared in Koro-sensei's face as he dodged a knife before jumping up, sticking onto the ceiling.

Konomi stood up and smiled sweetly.

"Yoroshiku, Sensei!"


Karasuma inwardly smirked at his little niece's first attempt of assassination.

"It seems like I forgotten to mention, Konomi is my niece and the daughter of the Director of the FBI," Karasuma nonchalantly stated as he watched Koro-sensei's reaction.

The class was silent for a moment before erupting with yells, Koro-Sensei seeming to be the loudest and the most surprised.


Konomi sheepishly scratched her cheek as she smiled lightly at her new classmates.

"Um yeah, Tada-San is my mother's younger brother and my mom married to an American, who has authority in the country...."

Everyone gapped at her, though the shock of her being Karasuma's niece being the biggest.

"K-Konomi-chan is related to Karasuma-sensei?" Kayano mumbled to herself in surprise.

Nagisa was jolting down information into his notepad, an excited smile present on his face.

'Konomi-chan will be an extreme help to the class to assassinate Koro-sensei. Karma-kun and she is the only one so far to have injured sensei....' The pastel blue haired boy thought as he scrambled the newly obtained info with his pen.

Many of the boys were gawking at female who proudly stood in front of them.

Okajima was smiling pervertedly as he openly eyed the cleavage that was shown.

'She's the daughter of Karasuma-sensei's older sister, which means....!' The boy grew excited as he connected the dots, 'The pretty lady from yesterday is probably her mom unless Karasuma-sensei has more sisters!'

Koro-sensei who was attached to the ceiling slowly slid down as he smiled hesitantly at the transfer student.

"Ah... Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, Royal-San..." The male greeted, keeping his tentacles away from the lilac haired female.

A small chuckle escaped Konomi's pink lips before she slip the knife she had in hand in her skirt pocket, "Sensei, please call me by my first name," her eyes then went to the class, a friendly smile gracing her lips, "Same to the class, my last name may be a bit hard to pronounce for the Japanese. The 'R' and the 'L' are a bit different, and I want to get along with you all!" the letters rolled offed her tongue as she beamed at the class.

Once Upon an Assassin (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Fanfic)(HIATUS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora