Day Fourteen

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Day Fourteen: You're going to do something embarrassing. What does #5 do? (Natsu)

"Don't you think Natsu and Ashlei would be a cute couple?" Mira asks as she hands Gray and I our drinks.

"Totally." I answer, nodding.

"Ooouh! I heard they're going out tonight, by themselves." She winks.

"I bet he kisses her." I smirk.

"Fire breath doesn't have the guts to do stuff like that. He's only strong when it comes to fighting."

"But he totally loves her."

"He won't do it!" Gray gets in my face.

"You wanna bet, Ice stripper?"

"You got it, Goth loli."

"Okay! If I win, you've gotta go on a date with Juvia-Chan!"

Gray cringes. "Fine! But when I win, you've gotta be my maid for a whole day! You'll have to do everything I tell you to." He winks.

I grimace at him. "Whatever, popsicle dick."

"I-I.. can't believe.. I lost.." I fall to my knees.

"Don't feel bad, Saeko! Gray told me about your bet, even though he wouldn't tell me what it was about.. So I got you something to make it better!"

"Aw, Natsu! You're so-" I turn to see him holding a maid oufit, grinning wide.

Gray laughs. "That's a great idea, Natsu. Go put it on, Saeko." He thrusts it into my hands.

"N-No... please.. Look how short it is!" I whine.

"No, no, no." Gray looks directly at me. "I said you have to do whatever I tell you to do and right now I'm telling you to put it on."

I groan and walk to the restroom. My life is over. I'm done. I can't. I strip off my lovely, concealed clothing, and replace them with the shortest dress in history. I don't want to go back out there. Nope. I.. God dammit, Natsu. You should have just grown a pair and fucking kissed her. Hesitantly, I step out and approach Gray. He looks at me, causing his face to turn bright red.

"I hope you know that I hate you, Natsu. This is so embarrassing.." I pull at the skirt, trying to cover my booty, then realize I'm only making my breasts stick out more. "I can't even.."

Suddenly, gasps and the sound of drinks falling fill the room. I turn around and see almost all of the males in the guild staring at me. I blush instantly. "S-Saeko, what.." Elfman looks me over.

"It's for a bet, okay?! Stop looking at me, you're making me blush.." I wiggle awkwardly, trying to hide my body parts.

"S-so cute!" Almost everyone shouts.

"Gray!" I turn to him. He takes my hand and drags me somewhere. "Gray-Kun! Where the fuck are you taking me?!"

He slams the door and looks me over. "Today, you're all mine," his voice is raspy. He pushes me against the wall and gets closer to me, of course, towering over me. His hands slide down to my hips as he crashes his lips against mine.

"G-Gray.. W-What..?" My face turns bright pink as I try to pull away.

"Oh, come on. I know you feel the same way.." He grins, leaning in again.

He's right.. I mentally slap myself for letting this happen, but.. I mean, I do like him so..

He lets me change into my regular clothes. "Now come here." He sits on the couch and pats the area next to him. Of course, I have to obey. He pulls me closer and wraps a blanket around us, then turns on a movie.

"What are we doing?" I sigh.

"Cuddling and watching a movie. Now be quiet and let it happen."

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