Day Thirteen

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Day Thirtheen: You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does #4 do? (Tamaki Suoh)

Oh god. It's hot. It's really hot. Fire is hot. I'm going to die, aren't I? I press my back against the wall, staring at the flames that happen to be blocking my exit. Welp. I lived a good sixteen years. I guess that's enough, right? Meh. Oh god, fire is fucking hot. I don't want to die this way. Someone's called the fire department by now, right? If I had my phone, I'd do it myself.. but I left it in the bathroom. Okay. I'm dead. I'm done for.

"SAEKO! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Senpai's voice scares the hell out of me. "I'm going to save you!"

I glance out the two story window to see him run into the burning building. "Tamaki, you idiot!" I growl. "Well, looks like I won't die alone.." He's going to die. And it's all my fault. Good job, Saeko. You killed your friend's boyfriend.

"Sae-Chan!" Tamaki jumps through the fire, tackling me, propelling both of us out the window. A sharp scream scares the shit out of me.. then I realize I'm the one shouting.

We flop onto an awning and just kind of.. stay there for a second. Then the awning rips and we fall to the cement ground. Tamaki smiles at me, then drags me away from the building, back to our group of friends. Everyone greets us excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Honey cheers.

"We thought you were going to die." The twins announce, looking relieved. Mori instinctively grasps on to me and pulls me into his arms, a greatful smile on his handsome face.

"Thanks." He says to Tamaki, not letting me go. I blush softly, looking into his warm eyes. I can tell what he's thinking, I guess it's a gift. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried."

"You don't have to worry about me, Mori-Kun."

He shakes his head. "Of course I do. What kind of person doesn't worry about the woman they love?" I grin and cling to him, trying to hide my red face.

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