Day Nine

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Day Nine: #10 ignored you all the time? (Kyo Sohma)

"Who's that new kid?" Ashlei points at an orange-haired kid. He's a lot taller than the both of us, and quite handsome.

"Idunno. I'll go find out~!" I sing and approach him. "Hiya! You're new right? What's your name?" I smile as warmly as I can. He stares at me, confused.

"Kyo Sohma," he shoves his hands in his pockets. "Can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you needed any help finding your class or something.." I offer. He shakes his head.

"I'm fine." He begins to walk away.

"A-Are you sure?" He doesn't answer. "Oh.." I walk back to Ashlei. "His name's Kyo."

"Oh? Why'd he walk away?"

"I have no idea. He doesn't seem very friendly.." I sigh. Ashlei and I head to class. I notice that Kyo's sitting in the desk next to mine. I take my seat. "Oh, hey! You're in my class!" I grin. He glares at me, causing me to panic. "I-I can help you out if you need it since we're in the middle of-"

"Leave me alone, would'ya?" He growls.

"Oh.. I-I'm sorry." I look directly at the front of the class room, not changing my gaze until break.

"Hey," Ashlei comes and sits on my desk.

"Hey.." I say quietly.

"He's gone, you don't have to worry." She smirks.

"He's such an ass! I offer to help him and he tells me to leave him alone. I'm just trying to be fucking friendly!" I slam my fists on my desk.

"Calm down, maybe he's just stressed or something. It's his first day at school. Give him some time."

"Yeah.. I guess you're right."

"Good morning, Kyo-San. How do you like Kaibara High?" I smile, greeting him.

"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" He walks past me.

"I'm just trying to be friendly! What's your problem?!" I almost shout.

"I don't like you!" He shouts back, getting up in my face. "You're annoying!"

"And you're an egotistical bastard!"

"Saeko!" Ashlei grabs on to my sleeve and pulls me away. "Not a good idea. Do you want to get suspended?"

I sigh, knowing what will happen if I do. "Thanks, Ash." She nods and pulls me to class. Kyo sits there, waiting for me. "Listen. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said. It was rude." I bow.

"Tch," he looks away from me.

"Are you serious? I just apologized for something you started and you act like it's all my fault?" He doesn't look at me. "Dude, fuck yourself." I sigh, balling up my fists.

A couple days pass. Not much changes, Kyo and I still glare at each other whenever we pass eachother. We just weren't meant to get along or something. I take my seat in class and notice that for once, I get there before him. He peeks in the door way and waves me over. Hesitantly, I get up and follow him. He grabs my hand and pulls me down the hallway. "Listen,"  he says, still dragging me. "I'm sorry for being such an asshole. I just don't get along with people and I have a pretty bad temper. Sorry if I upset you or somethin'." He looks away.

I grin. "It's alright. I know what'cha mean, I have a bad temper as well. To be quite honest, I usually don't try to talk to people like I did when you came." He looks down at me.

"Really? You seem to be pretty popular from what I've heard."

"People talk about me?" I cringe, thinking about all the horrible shit he's probably heard. "I-I'm not as bad as everyone portraits me.. I promise."

"Bad? I've heard you're really smart and nice."

"What..?! Who the hell thinks I'm nice?!" I fix my bangs. "Well anyway.. Let's start over?" I smile softly, hoping for a good reply. He smiles back and nods, offering his hand.

"I'm Kyo Sohma, nice to meet you."

I grasp it. "I'm Saeko Tanaka, nice to meet you too, dude." We walk back to class together, talking about all the weirdos in the school. I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship..

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