Day Three

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Day Three: #4 announced they're going to marry #9? (Cecil Aijima x Haruka Nanase)

Ashlei and I sit at a table in the shade, trying to escape the sun. "It's too hot," I whine. "Can we please go swimming?"

Ashlei groans. "How many times do I have to tell you no? You can't get your stitches wet, Saeko. They'll get infected and fall out or something."

"But, but, but..." I grunt obnoxiously. "It's not my freakin' fault I have stitches! Damn Ichi-Kun..!" Laying my head on the wooden surface, I sigh. "I'm just going to die here, okay."

"Go for it," she says sarcastically.

"Hey, ladies!" Cecil waves, walking towards us.

"Hey," Ashlei and I reply.

"I have some big news," he announces cheerfully. "I'm getting married tomorrow."

"You.. what?" Ashlei glances at the ecstatic boy beside her.

"To.. who?" I keep my head on the cool table.

"Haruka Nanase!"

Ashlei and I erupt with laughter at his statement. "Nana.. se?!" Our giggling resumes.

"Did.. did I say something wrong?" He cocks his head to the side.

"I.. I hope so, Cecil." Ashlei finally composes herself.

"I don't even..," I begin, but interrupt myself by chuckling.

"Hey, guys! I was looking for you." Syo runs over to us, then stares at me. "Did I miss something?"

"Cecil.. j-just said he's getting.. married to Nanase!"

"Nanase?" He blinks twice. "You mean..?" A wide grin spreads across his face. "No kidding?!"

"What's so funny?!" Cecil cries.

"Shhhh, don't worry about it, Ai-Chan." We all crack up again, despite Cecil's pleads.

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