Day Two

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Day Two: #3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering?

"Natsu, stay here and make sure no one comes in while I'm taking a shower, mkay?"

"You got it, Saeko!" He shoots me a thumbs up and a sharp-toothed smile. I, obviously, smile back. Being a new member of Fairy Tail and having people (like Natsu) visit my house at random, I really don't want to risk someone walking in on me when I'm naked. They've already seen enough of me, like Elfman and Lisanna entering the room as I was changing, or Natsu peeping in while Lucy and I took a bath together.. People in this guild don't understand the concept of "privacy." I don't think they ever will.

I pull my midnight-coloured shirt over my head, take my ribbons out, and step into the warmth of the shower water. Scrubbing dirt from yesterday's job out of my hair, I feel myself relax. The herbal smell of my shampoo calms me down. I close my eyes and begin to day dream of a life that will never be mine..


"Hey, Saeko, are you- ACK, YOU'RE NAKED!" Gajeel's voice scares me out of my fantasy world.

"Eeek!" I pull the shower curtain around my body. "Gajie, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" My face gets hot.

"I, uhm.. I.." He looks away, trying to avoid my gaze and hide his obvious blush. "I got a job for us to go on.."


"Y-yeah, if that's okay.." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Y-you can stay in here if you want.. To tell me about the job, of course! Just sit on the floor and promise me you won't look.."

"Okay.. I promise I won't." I hear the small smile in his strong voice. "Anyway," he sits on the floor next to the shower, his muscular back to the wall. "It's a search and rescue mission. Someone's kid went missing and we have to go look for 'em."

"That doesn't sound like the type of job you'd usually take..?"

"Well, I uh.. It's next to a beach resort and I thought that after we found the kid, we could uhm.. go together, if you wanted to.."

"I, uh.." My face gets even hotter. "I'd love to." Wait, wasn't Natsu supposed to be on the look out..? Tch, god damnit. "So, where's Natsu?"

"Ah? Oh, the hot head. He's sleeping in your bed."

"Of course." I sigh. "He seems to love sleeping in my bed."

"And you let him?"

"I mean, I don't really care. He's like a freakin' teddy bear."

"So you've slept with him?!" Gajeel's voice becomes suddenly hurt.

"Woah, not like that! Gajie, I woke up and he was pas-" I hear him get up and start to walk away. Without thinking, I stop the water, grab a towel, and chase after him. But.. My feet were still wet, so I end up slipping on the tile floor, crashing into Gajeel and landing underneath him. He blushes, but remains on top of me. "Listen.. He passed out on the foot of my bed. I didn't eve-"

Gajeel leans in and kisses my lips, obviously causing my cheeks to turn pink. "I believe you, Saeko. Don't worry.. I just got.. jealous." He sighs.

"Gajie.. You're heavy.. And I'm still naked."

"ACK!" He stands up and helps me off the floor, pulling me into his arms. "Well, uhm.."

"You kissed me." I realize with shock.

"I.. Yeah. I guess I did.." He looks at me with gentle eyes, then smashes his lips against mine. "Heh, I did it again." He smiles proudly. I look down at my chest and gasp.

"Move your arm, my towel's slipping."

"Oh, uh.. Go put clothes on, we can continue this discussion later.." He blushes and leaves the room. I shake my head and smile. You know, Natsu.. I'm really glad you're such an idiot. Look what you caused..

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