Day Six

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Day Six: #7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? (Shima)

"Saeko! Hey, Sae-Chan! Wait up!" Shima, one of my bestfriend's, runs up to me and throws his arm around my shoulders. "Guess what?"

I sigh, already terrified of what he has to say. "What is it?"

"Did you know.." He pauses dramatically. "that we're related?"

I almost choke on my gum. "Pardon?" I say with a heavy French accent.

"Yeah! Listen, I was thinking.. You said you're ancestors were monks from Kyoto, right? And we have a lot in common! And we both have pink hair and-"

I groan. "Shima, you idiot. I said they were from Kanoya, your hair is dyed while mine is natural, and just because we're similiar doesn't mean we're family."

"Oh. Well. I still think we're related, because look!" He hands me a family history book. Sure enough, my mother's in it. I gasp and look at him. "Your mother was my cousin." He grins wide. "See! I told you!"

"W-What..?" I shake my head. "Dude, that's so weird.."

"My bestfriend is my cousin!" He grabs my hand and marches around proudly.

"Shima, calm yourself!" I protest, trying to pull my hand away. He looks at me with a serious expression.

"Oh, we're going to be late for class!" He yanks on my arm, dragging me behind him. As we enter the Cram school room, he finally lets go. "Guess what, everyone?"

They all look at him with the same expression I did. I sigh. "Shima-"

"Saeko's my cousin!" They look at me in disbelief. I shrug.

"So, that means you can't flirt with her anymore." Izumo points out.

"Pff- wha? Nah, we're like really distant cousins.." He laughs nervously.

"..Ew." I grimace at him and sit at the opposite end of the room.

"Ah, come on, Saeko..!" He pouts. I shake my head and groan.

Today's going to be a loooong day..


A/N: I'm sorry this one is so short, I was totally out of ideas for it. TwT Please forgive me!

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