Day Seven

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Day Seven: #8 was hospitalized somehow? (Ryuji Suguro)

My phone rings, instantly jolting me out of my sleep. I don't even bother to look who it is, I just answer it. "Hello?" I yawn loudly into the reciever, then glance at my clock. It's four in the morning, are you fucking serious? This better be urgent.

"Saeko! Oh god, I'm so glad you picked up!" It's Konekomaru, a classmate of mine. "It's Konekomaru. It's really important, Bon's in the hospital!"

"What hospital? What room? What happened?" I ask nervously while pulling my jeans on. Shoving shoes on my feet, I run out the door and follow his instructions to the medical facility. The secretary stares at me awkwardly... Probably because I look like a zombie. "Oh, uhm hi. I'm looking for Ryuji Suguro's room."

"Ah, uh.. Take that elevator to the third floor. He's in room 305, which should be on the right." I nod, attempting to memorize the room number.

"Thanks!" I mutter before running off.

Grasping the door handle, I sigh and hesitate. What if it's really bad? What if.. No, it'll be okay. Obviously, someone wanted me here, or I wouldn't have been called and given directions. Okay.. Let's do this. I open the door to see a passed out Bon in a hospital bed with Konekomaru sitting in a chair next to him. He perks up when he sees me. He sighs out of relief. "Hello, Saeko." He stands to greet me. "Bon was saying your name in his sleep, so I figured he'd be happy to see you once he wakes up."

I nod, feeling my cheeks grow hotter. "What happened?"

"We were called on a job, and Bon thought he could handle it.. He got injured pretty bad."

"Why wasn't I called in? I should have been there, you guys are still exwires!"

"It was an emergency and Bon told us not to get you.. He didn't want to wake you up because he said you're 'pissy' when you don't get enough sleep."

"I'd rather not sleep at all than have him get hurt.." I sit on the edge of Bon's bed. "How long has he been asleep?"

"About two hours, he should wake up any second now." I hold Bon's sleeping hand.

"I'm going to kill him when he gets out of here.. That idiot, making me worry like this just because he didn't want me to be grumpy.." I smile softly, feeling tears swell up in my eyes. "This is all my fault, isn't it?" I sigh, rubbing the tears away will my free hand.

"No.." Bon's voice is hoarse. "It's not your fault, Saeko.." He opens his eyes and smiles at me. "What time is it?"

"About five," Konekomaru glances at his watch.

"In the evening?" Konekomaru shakes his head. "You woke Saeko up? Didn't I tell you not-" I lean forward and kiss his dry lips.

"Shut up," I growl. "You moron, do you know how worried I was when Konekomaru called me?" This time, I let my tears fall, staining his blanket. He caresses my cheek with his soft finger tips.

"Saeko.." His voice is no more than a lifeless whisper. "I'm so sorry.. I had no idea.." He wipes my tears away.

"God dammit, Bonnie.." I sigh, collapsing into his arms.

"I, uh.. I'm just gonna go. I'll see you guys later." Konekomaru awkwardly closes the door behind him. I wrap my arms around Bon and snuggle into him.

"Please forgive me," he presses his lips to my forehead.

"Of course.." My cheeks turn pink. "Just don't do it again, or I'll kill you."

He nods. "I know, I know. I'm really sorry.. I had no idea you'd worry this much."

I groan. "You're an idiot. Of course I worry a lot! What kind of girl doesn't worry about the guy she's in love with?"

Bon stirs, looking at me in shock. "I-in l-love..?!"

I smirk. "It wasn't obvious?"


"We've been together for how long now? I thought you knew me better, Bonnie. I'm hurt." I put on my saddest-cutsey face and sit up. He pulls me back down and kisses me passionately.

"I'm in love with you too.."

"Y-You are?!" My blush deepens.

"I thought you knew me better. I'm hurt." he mocks me. I sigh.

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"I know." We smile at eachother. I lean in and kiss him again.

"Hey Saeko?" He holds me close to him. "Stay with me tonight.."

"Gladly." I close my eyes and wait for him to start snoring. As soon as his breathing gets heavier, I smile, and hold him tighter. I love you, Bon. I'll never leave you.. I drift off to sleep, a love-struck grin on my face.

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