"I wasn't." I lied putting my hands on my hips. I was such a horrible liar it was embarrassing.

"But you just said that you did." He laughed crossing his arms.

"Stop confusing me!" I whined rubbing my forehead and turning my head.

"You're confusing yourself. Just tell me what you want." By the look on his face, he was anticipating my response.

"Why do you have a lot of tattoo's?"

What. Of all questions, that was the first to pop up? I needed to be more cool, I was so damn lame.

"I like tattoo's." He said seriously.

"But why do you have so many?"

"Because I like them." He was beginning to get annoyed.

"So you cover your whole body with it?"

"You sound like my mum." He scrunched his face.

Way to go Alee, you're so cool. I thought.

"Oh." I nodded.

"Yeah." He agreed. He sighed and begun to look a bit bored and I had no idea what to say next. It was so awkward, he just stood there looking at me waiting for me to talk and I just...didn't.

"You're really annoying." He confessed.

"Ex--excuse me?"

"You. You're annoying."

"How am I annoying?" I was so offended.

"Because, you follow me, then question my tattoo's, you lie to me, and then you just stare at me." He must be good with the ladies, I can tell.

"I just wanted to talk to you." My voice came off sounding hurt and he must of realized it when he loosened his posture.

"And I'm right here. Talk to me."

"I can't!" I raised my voice.

"Why not?" He wondered.

"Because you're so intimating!" Wow I really surprised myself there. "Like, I try to talk to you but you literally have no other facial expression except this.." I imitated his straight face and he laughed. It was the first time I saw him do that and it was quite....perfect. "So when you look at me like that I think you don't want to talk to me and just in general the way you look at me is intimidating." I confessed to him. "I don't know, whatever." I rolled my eyes turning my head to face the opposite direction. I felt kind of weird telling him all of that because I had only met him that same morning.

"Well, you're not so easy to talk to either."

"Yes I am! I'm the easiest person to talk to. Just say 'Hi' and I'll take over the conversation from there."

"No, I mean I say something to you, and you either stutter, get your words mixed, stare, or you do all. It's not easy keeping a conversation going when all you're saying is "I uh--I can't uh--well I just--I don't know.." He mocked.

"Oh really?" I laughed. " You shouldn't even be one to talk! How can I keep talking to you when all you respond with is "Yeah." "no." "okay?"" I deepened my voice to match his and his laughter grew. Guess he wasn't so bad after all.

"Okay, fair enough." He rolled his eyes with a grinned, nodding his head in defeat. "You're right." He said walking passed me.

"Where are you going?" I threw my hands out.

"Back in the gym?" He answered as if it were a question.

"But I was talking.."

"You can talk later." He smiled. Oh he was such a tease! He begun to walk and I followed. I heard footsteps behind me as we walking back and I took a quick glance and my eyes immediately widened when the familiar smirk that always sent chills down my spin was flashed.

Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now