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Coprights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Five years later

"Mummy!" came Kara's wail as her little feet pounded on the hardwood floor.

My eyes snapped open as I sat up and Xavier groaned his hands roaming around the bed searching for me in his sleep making me smile.

Looking down at him in his peaceful sleep, I loved him even more now than I did seven years ago when I first met him.

I wiped the sleep away from my eyes as Xavier's hand found my bulging belly and he sighed in content. I was three months pregnant with our third child and we couldn't be happier that it was going to be a little boy.

"Mummy" came Kara's call again. She was so close to our bedroom door and her cry was frantic tears in her voice.

The door flung open and light flooded in from the hallway as a little figure stood still in the door way.

Kara stood in her baby pink nightie, her violet eyes that were exactly like mine, when she was upset or angry, shining with tears as she sucked on her thumb and her perfect long brown curls of hair flowed around her tiny shoulders reminding me of my hair when I was little.

She stood there her little chest heaving up and down as she tried to even her breathing from her sobs waiting for me to grant her access in the room which I though was silly seeing as she could come in whenever she liked but she always waited for me to say okay. I sat up more and opened my arms for her.

She sighed in relief and ran to me. Hoping up on the bed she snuggled into me, being mindful of my belly as she wrapped her little arms around my neck and sobbed into my shoulder.

She was only five and I already knew the reason she was crying. She was scared of her nightmares.

I held her close to me, and smoothed down her hair.

"It's okay baby. Your okay now" I cooed to her. Her breathing calmed as she tired to stop her sobbing.

"Mum" came another voice.

I sighed as Leon ran into the room and jumped on the bed looking at me expectantly. His bright blue-gray eyes shinning and he was a spitting image of his father and Kara.

They were twins so of course they looked somewhat alike but Kara had my eyes when she was angry or upset and her father's lovable blue-grey normally. She had my hair while Leon had Xavier's hair, the rest was a mix which helped to tell they were twins. Leon was only three minutes older and acted exactly like any older brother would. Bossy and always had to remind you about it, but that didn't make us love him any less.

Xavier rolled over and groaned again as Leon spoke.

"Mum. Kara's being a baby" he whined.

I frowned at him but he didn't pay any attention to the warning in my eyes, he was just too mischievous. Kara pulled away from my neck and scowled at Leon.

"I am not, you're mean!" she said angrily her violet eyes flaring at him as she wiped her tears with the back of her tiny hand.

I wanted to laugh they were just so cute but now wasn't the time, because if I did laugh they would both tell me off.

I loved my little babies but sometimes they acted more like adults and sometimes they had there whining moments, but they were all mine and Xavier's and we loved them both dearly.

Vampire Cravings: A Vampire's Heart Novel {Completed} (Book 3 of AVH)Where stories live. Discover now