Chapter 39

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved



My eyes grew wide as I took in the two bright shapes on the screen. TWINS! I was having twins. I mean, with everything going I was going to struggle with one baby but TWINS!

"Please tell me you're joking?" I questioned as I sucked in a deep breath.

"I'm afraid I'm not Princess there are two fetus' in your womb" he answer softly.

I took in a ragged breath, I felt lightheaded and I knew if I wasn't lying down on the medical bed I would defiantly faint.

"Lena, breathe. You need to breathe." Cira whispered as she grabbed my hands and squeezed.

I turned to her my eyes full of panic as I sucked in a deep breath not realizing I hadn't been breathing.

"Twins" I whispered in shock.

"Yes Lena, you're having twins" she said softly.

I frowned at her in that moment, I knew she was just trying to help but it was as if she was talking to me as if I was unintelligent.

My mind whirled with thoughts, making my head spin. A part of me was so happy that I was pregnant and that I was having twins but the other part of me was scared. One baby was a lot of responsibility, but two would be insane. Then there was the thought of Xavier. I wasn't ready to tell him yet and being pregnant with twins was going to be a lot more difficult to hide. The knowledge of having twins made me realize why my morning sickness was so bad.

The last thought that crossed my mind was what Staten had said to me. "You'll be weak because your body will want to provide for the child." My stomach twisted in knots because I knew he was partly true. My body wouldn't be strong enough to train, these to babies would need all of my strength to carry these babies because there was no doubt they were vampires and would need a lot from me.

"Lena, sweetie you need to breath" Cira voice snapped me out of my thoughts again. "Lena I know what you're thinking but its gonna be okay, everything is gonna be fine" she said reassuringly.

"Are they healthy?" I asked, my voice was so gruff I barely even recognized it, my maternal mode just snapped in and my every thought was consumed with the babies safety. My babies. Xavier's babies. That was all I cared about at this very moment.

"Perfectly healthy, everything looks exactly like it should" Milton said with a calm cool demeanor, similar to the one he had used when I was in labor with Leon. Lord knew I hated that tone.

That tone told me something was lying beneath his calm words and my stomach twisted in knots. I wasn't going to like what he was hiding from me but I also knew that he didn't just lie to me. Milton wouldn't dare lie to me about my children's health if he wanted to live so he had to be hiding something else that involved them but didn't regard their health.

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