Chapter 36

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


"What? What's shit?" asked Cira in panic.

I felt another wave a nausea hit me and I lurched forward back over the toilet. I started to dry heave but nothing came out seeing as the content of my stomach was empty. Cira mumbled a curse under her breath and held my hair rubbing my back again. I was certain that she had caught on by now.

"I'll call Milton" Cira murmured after I had finished dry heaving.

My mouth felt dry and disgusting so I nodded as I got up and turned on the tap, I flushed my mouth out with cool water and whipped my sweaty forehead. My hearing picked up as Cira began talking on the phone in the over room.

"Milton, Selena's throwing up. She's not sick she's been perfectly healthy. Well she was upset that Xavier's left but I don't think that would drive her to the point of making herself sick. Ok. Ok. Yep. Alright. See you soon" she said before hanging up.

I took in some deep breaths pushing the nausea away as Cira came back into the bathroom.

"Lena when was they last time you had sex?" she asked cautiously as if she was worried I was going to hit her.

A blush spread threw my cheeks as embarrassment seeped in, she knew I hated talking about being intimate with Xavier but right now, I knew I needed somebody to talk to about it because my mind was going crazy with possibilities of why I had thrown up and the only one that stuck was being pregnant, plus I would rather talk to Cira about this than Maria. That would just be awkward.

"Last night" I said softly.

"Okay and when was the last time you used protection?" she asked as she put the toilet seat so she could sit.

"Before Luca held me captive but there was one night that we hadn't used any but I couldn't have been pregnant then because I would have a bump by now with the growth rate of vampires, so it must have been last night"

She bit her lip in thought before getting up without a word and leaving the bathroom. Confusion swarmed me as I followed after her. When Cira was like this you never knew what she was up to so I decided to be very cautious with her. I followed Cira into what was obviously her room and she tore into the on-suite, flinging open the cabinets and ruffling around in search for something.

"Yes!" Cira hissed in delight as she pulled out a box from under the cabinet and waved it around in front of me.

My eyes widened and my face paled as I saw what she had in her hand.

A pregnancy test.

I knew freaking out was a very dramatic reaction, after all it was only a pregnancy test. It was just a little stick. Nothing to be scared of at all. But I had never taken one before and if that test worked for vampire's it would hold my fate, a fate that I was scared to unfold.

Don't get me wrong I loved the thought of something Xavier and I created growing inside of me but right now wasn't such a great time to start a family, there was also the fact that Xavier wasn't here to find out with me and the slight ache of him not being here hurt.

What hurt even more was the thought of Leon. He was our first baby and we had lost him. I was most defiantly scared of having another baby right now. I couldn't go through all of that again. I could bare the thought of loosing another child, especially after Leon lived such a short life. It wasn't fair to bring another child into this world with Luca on the loose and on a path of destruction with a vengeance to kill me, it wasn't right and I don't think I would survive another lose of something that was part of me and Xavier. I knew my heart wouldn't be able to take it.

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