Chapter 31

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


My breathing came in and out in short sharp gasps as I tried to fight off the pain. I couldn't move I was completely paralyzed as fire coursed through my body. All I could hear was grunts, feral growls and hisses as Luca and Xavier fought but I could move to see what was going on. I tried to breathe in a deeply as I could to settle myself and hopefully extinguish some of the pain but I didn't work, because of my paralysis I couldn't take air into my lungs properly.

"She's running out of time" came a feral mocking growl that I recognized as Luca.

"What did you do?!" roared Xavier.

There was a grunt, before a hoarse cunning voice spoke. "It doesn't matter what I did, she won't be alive for much longer, my venom is slowly attacking her body and we both know what happens when a vampire has been injected with venom" Luca sniggered.

Grunts lessoned and heavy breathing filled my hearing as my heart rate picked up with the fire coursing through my body continued and I felt faint. My mind raced with panic, they both might have known what happens to vampire's when they are injected with venom but I didn't. I was still a new vampire and didn't know every single little detail about my new race.

I felt shocks of electricity in my shoulder like something was touching my numb body, and my eyes turned to the right slightly to see Xavier above me, his eyes find with anger and panic making my heart jump.

"I'm so sorry" he gasped. My eyes watered in confusion and tears threatened to fall my throat felt like it was closing over. Before I could try to say anything Xavier squeezed his eyes such tightly before opening them, they gleamed at me in a brilliant red, the veins under his eyes throbbing a pained expression washed over his face as his mouth opened and his fangs extended to sharp points.

"This might hurt a bit" he murmured his voice deep husky and almost unrecognizable. I couldn't move or ask him what he was talking about as he leaned forward a slight hiss leavings his lips before his fangs plunged into the opened wound that Luca had left. A blood curdling scream escaped my lips, my body burned from the inside out and I could faintly feel the tug of Xavier's lips on my neck which calmed me slightly but didn't stop the burn I felt rushing through my body. My body started to shudder causing Xavier to move his hand and try to hold me down.

The paralysis that held my body captive was slowly evaporating as I had the ability to thrash around. The burn started to subside as if the venom was being sucked out of me. My thrashing lessoned as Xavier's tugs on my neck grew longer. I lifted up my hand and pushed my fingers through Xavier's hair in comfort of the pain.

Xavier pulled back and I shivered as his fangs pulled out of my wound. My eyes watched his every move my fingers stayed tangled in her hair, he coughed and spat out black gunk. My eyes widened in shock and I stroked his hair to comfort him. My nose wrinkled up in disgust at the amount of black gunk he was coughing up.

"Xavier" I croaked, my voice hoarse from all the screaming.

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