Chapter 30

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro 

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 30:

My body rocked as I lent against the wall, breathing in deeply as I straight up at the ceiling. The last of Sean's blood rushed through my body making it hum with need. I needed more, my body craved it and my throat burned with the need to quench my thirst, but my last supply was gone. 

My hands shook uncontrollably as my mind whirled.

Drink. A voice hissed at me.

"I can't" I whimpered out into the dark silent space.

I was loosing it. It was offical, and yet I knew that I was loosing it, I could feel my self control slipping away. I was loosing myself and I really didn't care.

The sound of a dead-blot being released made me jump and hissed towards the sound as I positioned myself in a crouch. The door flung open, Luca's large frame filling in the doorway. My body burned with hate at that second and without thinking I leaped at him.

I feral growl ripped through my chest as my body collided with his, he stumbled but found his footing and grabbed a hold of me. Luca lifted me up and slammed me down to the ground. I gasped at the sudden lack of air leaving my lungs as Luca's hold on my neck tightened and he lifted me up before slamming me back down on the concrete.

I quickly composed myself as he leaned over me and clutched his hand in a tight grip, my claws digging in to his skin with satisfaction as he hissed through his teeth.

Fury pumped through my veins as I gained strength and another feral growl erupted from my chest, I brought my knees up and kicked Luca's in the stomach, his grip slipped and I had put so much force behind the kick that he was pushed back and flung into the wall.

He crumpled to the ground as I got up into a crouching position and hissed at him. A menacing smirk splayed across his lips, making my fury double. The cunning look in his eyes told me he was amused by my effort to fight against him but he was also underestimating me.

"You really think you'll be able to fight me" he laughed mockingly.

I narrowed my eyes at him and kept my hiss of anger to myself, I knew that if I reacted to his mockery it would just give him satisfaction.

Luca stood up to his full height dusting off some of the crumbled concrete from his shoulder as he tsked at me.

"I'm going to enjoy ending your life and the best thing is my stupid brother won't able to stop me" he growled, his mood changing from mocking to angry and challenging because he couldn't get a reaction to me.

I raised my eyebrow at him as if to say 'are you sure about that?'. He growled at my challenge before he leapt at me. I quickly dodged his attack by side stepping and swiftly brought my leg up to kick him, but was caught off guard when he grabbed my leg locking it in a submission hold and applying pressure. I held in my whimper as my mind raced with ways to get out of his hold. I refused to go down against him so easily, I was a fighting, I had learnt the art of fighting to survive for the past 8 months, and I wasn't going to just give up now, I was going to fight and if I died then I died fighting rather than whimpering and blubbering like a weak defenseless female.

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