Chapter 18

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Copyright 2013 © Elena Sgro

all rights reserved


Sean had pulled out all the surgical equipment he would need and laid it down next to Xavier. I had seen all this equipment before but they still looked terrifying to me especially when they were going to be used on Xavier.

I sat there anxiously as Sean set two clamps at the opening of the bullet wound to keep it open.

"Why are you putting those there?" I asked quietly my thumb running soft circle into the back of Xavier's hand. His usually warm touch was fading making my heart beat pick up he was slipping and we didn't have anything to keep him stable because we weren't in a hospital.

Sean looked up at me and basically gave me a look that said 'are you stupid'.

I ignored it and went back to focusing on Xavier. His breathing was getting fainter as the seconds went and I was getting angry with Sean for not hurrying up.

"The clamps are there because once I take the bullet out the wound will start to heel but we can't let it until vie cleaned out the silver nitrate and dry ice and made sure that there isn't any permanent damage to his heart" he said quickly as he picked up a pair of surgical tweezers and started pocking around the inside of the wound.

I cringed at the sight hating that Sean was probing around in the open wound almost carelessly.

I didn't ask anymore question I just let Sean do his job. The only think I could hope for was that Xavier made it through this.

"The bullets deep in there but I can get it out" Sean murmured as he grabbed a small pair tongs.

I closed my eyes knowing what was coming next. I had never been good with wounds like this and in my usual demeanor I would have shrugged this whole thing off like it was nothing while on the inside I would have been freaking out, but this wasn't a usual bullet wound this was Xavier and I was panicking to much to pretend everything was okay. I was through with trying to act tough when it came to him.

I wasn't going to go fully back to normal I still believed that I was able to fight and handle myself, but I was through with fighting Xavier. I needed him, he was my mate and every fiber in my body craved him.

Going back to my house and reminiscing everything, having his scent so dominate in my old home, and seeing that deb dress made me realize that I was fighting his love when I should have been returning it to him. I should have been giving him love with such passion he held for me, but I wasn't. I had been running from him and I realized now how stupid I was.

A gruntled groan made me open my eyes and connect with Xavier's. I knew the only reason Xavier's eyes were open was because the pain from what Sean was doing attacked like a defibrillator and kick-started Xavier into a conscious state, but I didn't care as my eyes stayed locked with his.

His beautiful blue-grey orbs filled with pain and it made my heart clench and the need to take that pain away consume me tenfold. I gasped in relief that he had opened his eyes and moved closer to him my face only inches from his had I brushed back more of his thick luscious hair. This was my hope, being able to see his eyes and know he was conscious that was my hope and the only hope I needed to know that he was going to live through this.

"Oh thank God I can see your eyes again" I breathed. "I thought you were so close to leaving me" my voice broke as tears shone in my eyes but I blinked them away not wanting to let them blur my vision of him.

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