Arrival of the Great Distress

Start from the beginning

“Woah. Remind me not to get on your bad side Punz.” I whispered to her, she chuckled.

“Oh. I see how it is!” Now her mother is pissed. “Fine! You don’t want to be in the tower? Then let us be on some other place where you’ll find your friends suffering, shall we??” She said and grinned with Pitch.

“What a marvelous choice Gothel! One of the reasons I picked you to join my team.” Pitch said.

“What??!!” Rapunzel shouted.

“HUSH! We’re going now. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” Ugh.. I hate them! BOTH OF THEM!!

The nightmares knocked us out and we got unconscious. The next thing I knew was that I woke up in a cage and in another cage beside me, was a girl… with red locks.

~Hiccup P.O.V. ~

‘-sighs- I gotta confess my feelings to Merida soon. I have to make sure she knows before I—before I die at the battle with Pitch. Before it all ends.’ I thought, walking alone in the forest leading to the village.

I went back to get Toothless and rode on him back to the spot where I left them. To my surpirise, they aren’t there. Hmm.. They probably finished the moment and went back to the North Pole while I was gone.. -sighs- The feeling of me being left is again experienced.. When will be the time that nobody will leave me behind??!!

“Oh well. I guess they already left us Toothless.” I said.

Toothless growled angrily. What’s wrong with him??

“Bud calm down! What is it!?” I tried to pet him but he didn’t pay attention to me. He kept roaring.

“What is it? You hungry? I can get some fish.” I said but he disagreed.

“What’s with you?? Oh! A dragon tooth ache?? Are you dizzy? Sleepy?? Have any injury?? What? Tell me!” I continued yet he kept opposing to everything I say.

“-sighs- I give up. What is it that you really wanna tell me??” I asked him then mumbled ‘I don’t speak dragon so please cooperate!’

Toothless went to a direction leading to a bush. He saw Jack’s staff.

“What’s that doing there? It’s suppose to be with Bunny! Maybe he just left it.” I said.

Toothless shrugged then sniffed out. “So, you’re sniffing right now, huh? What next? Merida’s bow?” I joked and laughed.

Unexpectedly, he DID saw Merida’s bow. “What the-- uhh” I can’t believe it. “Alright. Maybe it IS Merida’s bow.” I said. “Wait! Merida’s bow?? And Jack’s staff?? If Bunny left Jack’s staff then don’t tell me Merida left her bow. She never takes it away from her hands. EVER! How could she---” I stopped when I saw a black sand on the white sand of the shore. I took some and …. FWOOOSH!! O_O Something just flashed into my mind.


“Hiccup!!” A girl shouted. *screams*

“Don’t do it Hiccup! Don’t do it!” A boy said.

“Be brave son!”

Black, blurry sight.

Black dagger.

A knife.

A chain connected to a wall.

8 cages.

A staff. A bow.

“Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. Prepare to face your challenge. Your friends need you. And you’re the only one who can help. Don’t fail. One mistake could ruin everything. Be brave my child. Don’t lose hope. Good luck.”


I gasped. “Please don’t tell me that they’re in danger!” I said. Looking to that whoever they call ‘Man in Moon’.. You know .. the MOON guy..

Somehow. Something made me angrier than ever before. I can fill my whole body steam. I can imagine myself turning very red and smoke coming out of my ear. ><

“Pitch.” SHOOT!! You darn MORON!

“Toothless, I think we have a RESCUE MISSION to deal with bud.” I said. Toothless is like ‘What the heck did my person ate this evening?’

“-sighs- Come on Toothless!” I called unto him and rode on. “Follow their scent bud.”

Toothless started sniffing and took off.


A/N: bahahaha!! xD can't get over with all these "NEW" ideas!! xD So I guess.. You've met our PREDICTOR of the TEAM!! Congratulations! Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III!!! :DDD *claps hands*

It was suppose to be Rapunzel.. but gaaaah!!! She's way too busy and she's kind of useful for some other stuffs... :D :D hehe...

Anyways, the vision he just saw will be explained further on the later updates! :D Could you guess.. For WHO are those deadly weapons except the chains and cages??.. xD Haha... Comment it all below!! :D BTW, don't forget to VOTE if you liked it.. 1 vote may lead you to a dedication.. ^________^

I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Thanks for supporting this story since it was published.. I'm like "Oh my gosh!! I love this people!!"... And now, I just-- I feel like kissing (on the cheeks) or hugging you guys!! :D

Well, bye for now.. I still have a picture to edit.. And a scrapbook to finish.. So wait for the next UD! :))) BYE! MWAH! :*


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