Love Don't Change |Chapter 26|

ابدأ من البداية

Maybe that wasn't a good idea.

"When did you even get that?" I ask Niola. He had a basketball on his arm and we we're just strolling through the streets of Miami.

"When we went shopping yesterday." He says. I nod and look onto my phone.

From: Mom
How is your day going?

To: Mom
Perfect. We just left the beach.

From: Mom
Enjoy yourself baby. Love you and see you soon.

To: Mom
Love you more. 😍

"Here go a basketball court." Z points. I look up and see a nice sized court with no people in it.

"Shit let's go ball." Niola slap hands with him and they walk off.

"We want to play!" Sarah says. They turn and look at her crazy before laughing.

"Girls can't play basketball baby." Z chuckle and kiss her lips. "But you can cheer for me." He bite his lip, she grim him.

"I can play basketball!" She defend herself.

"Baby. You wanna play?" Niola ask me.

"Sure." I shrug putting my phone in the pocket of my shorts.

"Come on, let them get they ass bust." Niola shrug. I grim him, and look at Sarah winking.

If we wanna win this we going to have to play dirty... real dirty.

"Oh shit." Niola groan as I grab his booty and cause him to drop the ball right then Sarah runs for it and score us our 16th point. 16-36.

"Bae, you cheating!" Niola groan.

"No I'm not." I shrug. He grim me before chasing me around the court. My hair flapped in the cool breeze. I end up running further off the court and he grabbed me up by my waist.

"Ahhh!" I squeal, a big smile spread across my face as he twirl be around.  He than stop spinning and kiss my lips over and over.

"I luh you girl." He mumble.

"I love you too baby." I get on his back and we sit on a bench near a water fountain. My legs wrap around his waist and i lay my head against his back while he type on his phone. I put one of my hands in his shorts and hold his tool in my hand while the other scroll down may instagram.

"Stop playing with my dick girl." Niola groan trying to move my hand.

"Leave me alone." I whine and lock my phone.

"You fucking with me." He laughs and I giggle not stopping what I'm doing to him. I always put my hands in his pants, he better stop acting brand new.

"Y'all just dipped on us." Z says, Sarah climb off his back and throw the ball in the air and catch it.

"Yeah we did." Niola chuckle and stand up I cling to him like a monkey.

"Why you playing with his dick?" Sarah frowns i laugh and kiss his back. He was very sweaty earlier but he's cooled down now so my lips ain't come off him wet.

"She always does this." Niola shrug and start walking. They follow and I move my hands and just lock my hands together around his stomach so I won't fall.

"Bae I'm hungry." I whine.

"Alright, let's go shower than we can all go get something to eat." He says. I nod and rub his chest and stomach with one hand.

"Yes sir." I agree.

-There's no we, without you and I.

Niola and Moe in the mm.

Thats Sarah getting thrown into the water. I couldn't find a picture of Z (roc royal ) at the beach but if you run across one let me know.

Not proof read!!!!!

Love Don't Change #wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن