Austin 36: i heart you

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This is probably one of the best nights I've had in a while. I haven't seen my cousins in so long and they're just as annoying. I love them like that. Plus they're getting along with Ally really well.

I love that Ally's getting along with them. Make things less stressful for her.

"So Ally ," Ella says, "You write Austin's songs?"

Ally nods, "Yeah. We're a team."

"So you guys want to head right to the mall after dinner?" Edward asked.

"Yeah that would be cool." I say.

"Oh Ally I'll show you all around here in the Cooper City Mall. It's probably not as great as the one in Miami, but I know you'll love it!" Ella exclaims.

"I think we should all stay in a group." I suggest. I really don't want to leave Ally's side.

"Come on Austin don't be such a clingy boy friend. I just want to have a little girl time with Sara and Ally. I've been stuck for too long with the guys." She whines.

"Yeah buddy she's a real pain in but." Her little brother Ethan comments.

"Yeah we can have some guy time." Eli adds.

I feel my gut telling me no, but then I feel Ally's hand hold mine, she sets her head on my shoulder and whispers just enough for me to hear.

"I'll be okay." She simply says with her soft smile.

I can't say no to that. I sigh and place a kiss on her head, "Okay." I agree.

"Wow man. She has you wrapped around her finger." Edward laughs.

I sigh shaking my head, "You have no idea."

After dinner we went to the mall. Minus my parents, they went the movies and would meet up with us later.

"Okay girls lets go this way, and let the boys go off, " Sara says.

"Yeah come on I want to head off Zumiez." Ethan says.

"Yes please because there's no way I'm going to Victorias Secret." Eli says.

"I wouldn't mind going." Edward adds.

"What ever," Ella says rolling her eyes at her annoying brother. "Come on Ally let's go."

I look at Ally who seems to be okay with going, I guess I'm the one having a hard time letting go.

"Okay make sure to have your phone on." I tell her, "Call me if you need any thing."

She smiles, "Yes I promise." She wraps her arms around my waist , her head to my chest. I lean down and kiss her forehead and her cheeks.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear, holding her tight.

I can hear the girls go, 'awww' while the guys just gag.

"I love you too." She says with a smile. How much I love to hear her say that. She then pulls away and walks towards Ella and Sara. They link arms and take her to some other store.

"Come on Austin let's go." Ethan says dragging me to another store.

I actually started to let loos a little, let my guard down. The guys and I decided to go to the arcade. Which was totally amazing.

There we a whole bunch of games. I of course was awesome at that dance revolution. I mean I'm Austin Moon, duh.

Then we played air hockey. I beat Ethan and Josh, but Eli beat me. Then Edward beat him proving to be the king of air hockey.

"Guys we so should have a hot dog eating contest." Eli suddenly suggested.

"I'm in!" Ethan and Edward both said.

"No thanks." Josh and I not said.

"What you don't want you're girlfriends to think you have bad breath." Ethan teased.

"Or are you not man enough to take in that challenge?" Edward glares at us teasingly.

"Oh you're on, we'll see who's the king of hot dogs." Leave it to josh to get competitive once you question his manhood.

"Well count me out. I'm not about to stuff my face with fast food." I add.

Josh laughs, "But that's like all you do."

"Not in public." I mention.

"What ever, lets go get the food." Eli says as we walk over to the food court.

Then four girls come up to us, well me actually.

"Hi you're Austin Moon!" Says the blonde.

"We're such big fans." Blonde number two says.

"Can we have your autograph?" Says the brunette.

"Please! And a picture?" The red head says.

"Um yeah sure." I say. I sign all they're shirts and Eli take the picture of us.

"Hey there." Ethan says to the red head, "I'm Ethan. Austin Moons cousin. You know that scarf goes great with your eyes." He says charming the girl.

She lets out a girly little laugh, "Thanks."

"Why don't I call you some time?" He says winking at her.

"Okay!" She squeals.

Man he sure does have a way with the ladies.

"Austin you're here with Ally too right!" The brunette asks.

"Yeah." I answer. "I'm just having some guy time for a little bit."

"We just saw her! She was with these two other girls in that summer clothes shop. She's says you guys still aren't together officially. Just ask her out already!" Blonde number one rambles on.

I laugh, "I'm working on it."

"Good because if you don't some ones gonna come and sweep her off her feet." Says the red head. "I mean there was a group of guys asking for her autograph and pictures."

"Well, I mean she is famous too, I guess they're just fans." Edward says.

"Really I think they were hitting on her. " the brunette adds, "the tall bone with the black hair and red shirt gave her a kiss on the cheek."

"What?" I nearly yell.

"Um it was great meeting you girls. I'll call you later Jessica." Ethan says to the red head.

"We should get going before Austin gets really jealous." Josh says pulling me away and over to a table. We leave the girls and all sit down. Expect for Josh and Edward who buy the hot dogs.

"Dude calm down, this is not the place to get all jealous. You don't want to explode in front of a lot of people and then will end up all over the Internet. Not a good look for your image." Eli lectures me.

"Yeah dude. Plus the whole world can see that Ally is crazy about you. She probably just let that guy give her a kiss cause he's a fan and was just being polite." Ethan reassures me.

"Okay." I sigh dropping my head on the table.

The guys started to eat their hotdogs one after the other. The manager of the hot dog place actually was video taping it and keeping score.

I was a little bored just watching them. But then I got a text on my phone. It was from Ella.

From: Ella J.
:Thought this would make you happy.
She send me a picture that made me be beyond happy. A picture of Ally hugging a cute teddy bear. She was also blowing a kiss to the camera.

This made me feel so incredibly amazing. I was so happy just to see her face. To see her cuteness and how adorable she can be some times.

I decided to go see her. I told the guys I was going with the girls. I knew they could hear me but they're were too busy stuffing food to answer me.

I was walking when I custom tee shirt caught my attention.


Ella's POV:

"Ahhh I love this shirt!" I screamed when I saw it.

The girls and I were at Forever 21 when I saw the cutest shirt ever!

"The hello kitty one?" Sara asked.

"Yes! It's just perf, I love this shade of pink!" I squeal jumping up and down.

"You're like a little five year old princess inside" Sara comments.

"Aww thanks Sara-bear." I say using the new nick name I gave her.

We were looking at some more clothes when I saw a tall blond guy approaching Ally from behind. I was about to tell Ally when he waved to me putting his finger to his mouth.

I nodded in response getting that he wanted me not to tell her. He then comes closer from behind her. He gets closer as he raps his arms around her from behind her waist.

Ally let out a little yelp but calm some when Austin places a kiss on her cheek.

"Austin you scared me." She laughs.

"I'm sorry." He says nuzzling his head into her neck, "Do you forgive me?"

She laughs, "I don't know."

"Aww come on Ally." He says kissing her neck.

This I super so cute. It makes me happy to see them but then so sad. Why can't I have a relationship like that???!!! I can't wait for Eli my whole life!!!

I then take out my phone and take a bunch of pictures of them.

"Are you gonna post that online?" Sara asks.

"You know it Sara-bear." I say snapping another picture.


Austin's POV:

Ally was so scared when I snuck up behind her. Though after my amazing kisses on her neck she calmed down.

"What's that?" She asks when she finally notices the pink gift bag I'm holding. I finally step away from her letting go of her waist.

She was behind me so she couldn't see the shirt I was wearing. But she smile when she did.

I was wearing a white tee shirt that had black writing on it,

"Ally D. Is the only 1 for me? Where did you get that?" She asks so happily.

"I got it it customized at this one stand. Also some thing for you my lady." I say holding out the pink gift bag to her.

"What's this?" She asks.

"Why don't you take a look?" I say.

She takes out the present and smiles wide. "This is awesome I love it!" She says jumping into my arms.

"Why don't you put it on?"

"But it'll feel uncomfortable with this dress." She says.

Sara adds, "then just buy some jeans."

"Yeah problem solved. I'll pay for them." I offer.

"What Austin no. I can't let you do that." She protests.

"Ally I want to. Please." I beg her.

"Austin I have my own money." She said.

"Ally just let him but you the jeans. He's only doing it because he loves you." Ella says.

"Please Ally please." I say with my big puppy eyes.

She finally gives in, "Fine!"

So she picks out a pair of jeans and a gray tank top to wear underneath. I payed for them but I could see a little glare from her.

"Ally dont make that face. I only want to spoil you because you deserve it, because I love you" I say. She finally expects it and we go over to the changing rooms.

She asks me to hold her phone while she goes to change. When she came back out she looked so cute.

She was will wearing the same shoes, and her hair was still nice long and foley. She was wearing a pair of light blue Skinny jeans. They were a little ripped and and they liked great on her.

She was wearing the gray tank top under the thin white pull over sweater I got her. It was a little long but looked great on her. She was smiling big and looked really happy.

"Thank you so much Austin. I love it so much." She says.

"Well I just want every one to know that I'm yours, and you're mine." I say smiling. I look back at the sweater.

I had it custom made to say "I heart Austin Moon" it was in black cursive writing and had a red heart.

"Now guys will think twice before giving you a kiss on the cheek."

"How did you know about that. And it was just some little kiss it meant nothing thing to me. They guy was fourteen." She says.

" A group of girls came up to me, they were big fans and said that they already had seen you. And they saw him that guy give you a kiss." I explain.

She chuckles, "Austin. I'm turing seventeen in a month, he's like three years younger. You have nothing to worry about okay, I only heart Austin Moon." She says wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I heart you too." I say repeating her cute words.

We walked out of the store hand in hand and decide to go get some ice cream. Right now I just want to to hang out with my girl.

I bought Ally her favorite ice cream, fruity mint swirl, which made her smile crazy she's too adorkalbe. Then Ally won me a cute sock monkey, I guess we're both still little kids deep inside.

Then Ally pulled me into a photo booth. Four pictures. First a regular face, my arm around her and her head on my shoulder. The second one we did a weird face. Then we did a shocked face. Then for he last picture I pulled Ally onto my lap and kissed her cheek so lovingly.

We printed to copies of the pictures and we started walking back with the others. I got distracted when I saw some guitars. Ally looked over at some cool records.

These are nice guitars but not as amazing as the one Ally gave me after Sonic Boom closed. I really missed that place, I knew Ally did too.

That's when it hit me. Well Ally and I are a lot more famous now, we're making a lot more money.

What if we could start saving that money up, then in a few years we could open up another store together. That's sounds perfect, I know she'll love that idea.

"Ally I just had the best idea ever!" I say turing over to her. But I just basically yelled at some random guy. "Sorry I thought you were my girlfriend."

He just looks some even more weirded out.

"I'll just go now." I say.

"Ally?" Where is she. "Ally?" I look around the store but she's not here.

I go over to the store clerk, "Excuse me sir did you see a short brunette wearing a white sweater by any chance?" I ask.

"Yes I did. She was over by the records but she then seemed very nervous, scared a bit. She then ran out of the store."

"Thank you." I say rushing out of the store. I looked around but I didn't see Ally, where is she?

The store clerk said she looked scared, scared of what?

The last time I saw her scared and nervous was that night at her house.

No no no Ally, Ally please don't do any thing. Where are you?

I then ran to where Ella and the guys said they would meet. I see Ella and I wave to her.

"Hey Austin, where's Ally?" She asks.

"That's the thing I have no idea." I say.

"What do you mean you don't know where she is?" She asked.

"Well we were walking then walked into a store, I turned around for like two minutes and she was gone."

"Okay calm down, just call her on her cell phone." She says.

"We can't. When she changed clothes she asked me to hold on to her phone. And I still have it."

"What? You forgot to give her back her phone! Didn't you notice that there was some thing in your pocket?" She asks me like I'm dumb.

I'm not dumb. Just really stupid.

"Man what am I going to do! How could I have lost my girlfriend. Well soon to be girlfriend. I need to find her! Where could she be!" I started yelling.

"Austin it's okay calm down she's probably just walking around trying to find you or one of us." She says trying to calm me down.

"No Ella no. She could be hurt or some thing." I start panicking and I furiously ran my hands through my hair.

"Austin what are you talking about?" She asks sacredly.

"Okay I'm only going to tell you and not the guys. You can't tell them, and I know I can tell you because I can see that you're now good friends with Ally. Can I trust you won't say any thing?"

"Yes Austin. Now tell me what is it you're scaring me."

"Okay so Ally hasn't been doing the best. You see since our break up, things have gone down hill for her. She was going through some hard times. Which let her, to um. To start," wow I thought this would be easier. But it's not.

"She started what Austin?" Ella says smacking my arm. She does that when she's eager.

"She started to cut herself, and things just kept getting worse. Then she even tried to commit suicide. She has been able to stop cutting. But once I found her so upset and scared she tried to cut herself again. I stopped her but right now I have no idea where she is. I don't know if she's hurt I need to find her. I promised that I would protect her, I broke that promise once and I can't do that again!"

I was yelling right in Ella's face, she looked terrified and of course I felt bad. But I felt more terrible that some how I had lost Ally.

I broke down crying on the floor, Ella then kneeled down and started to rub my back.

"Austin it's gonna be okay we just have to look for her. Okay nothing's going to happen to her."

She gets me back up to my feet, "Come on Austin lets go tell the guys." She says.

"What we can't remember?" I nearly yell because I just told her that we couldn't tell her brothers and Eli.

"We don't have to tell them every thing. Just that we can't find Ally and that your worried about her." She says.

I then breath trying to calm down. Ally please be okay please be okay.

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