Austin 28: because of me

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I stayed looking at Ally sleeping in her bed. She looked so sweet sleeping, her hair was down around her shoulders, and she looked better.

I called Sara and she told me when they first found Ally. She told me that she had looked like a ghost. Pale skin, blue lips. But her skin is the perfect creamy color. Her lips pink and soft.

Man do I wish I could kiss her again, feel her soft lips on mine again. I'm such an idiot for leveling her there that night. I should have stayed. Or come back to her.

I'm so sorry I left you there Ally.

I say in her room for like two hours. The flowers had come and I set them up all around her room. They were really beautiful, I know she'll like them. They were perfect roses, nice colors.

I'm just waiting for her to wake up and see them. I really want her to like them. But mostly I want to talk to her. Hopefully she will, or things won't blow up. When Ally are in the same room, there's a chance we might end up yelling at each other. Hope that won't be the case.

Ally'a POV:

I was sleeping and felt happy. I wanted to stay in that beautiful world with my dad. But he said I couldn't. I had to come back, I had woken up and I was in the hospital.

I was so upset from every thing that had happened I lost it. I'm still upset, but I'm glad to be alive.

The doctors told me a lot of things and said that my mom was coming to see me. Great, I'm not I. The mood to see her. I wonder if she'll take me back with her. Maybe, maybe not. But I don't want to. Then again I do. I'm having break downs here, but I can't stand living with her.

I had tried to fall a sleep again. I was really tired, but I couldn't.

So I guess they all know, Trish, Dez, Sara. They all know I tried to kill myself. And Austin , the letter. What is going to happen, what is he going to do. I really doubt he's just going I ignore what happened. He'll probably come here and yell at my face, then I'll yell back. That's what we do.

I fell a sleep after thinking so much. I dreamt good things surprisingly, but they're just dreams. They're not real.

Again I woke up I smell some thing really pretty. It smelled fresh and calming. I slowly opened my eyes and was taken back but what I was looking at.

In my hospital room there was hundreds of roses around me. Wow these are really beautiful. I was stunned by how many of them there were. The colors were so pretty, I couldn't help but smile at them.

They made me think of good things, I was happy to see them. They made me think of my dad, and my mom. I remember how much she loves roses. I guess that's where my love for them comes from.

I was so busy admiring the roses I didn't hear the door open and some one walking in. But then he came over closer and I froze.

I couldn't move, I could barley breathe. Austin was standing there, looking at me with tears in his eyes. Why is he crying? Why is he here? He hates me.

"I knew you would like the roses." He says. "You love them so much, so I went a little over board." He smiles.

Before I could say any thing he rushes over to me. He leans over and hugs me tightly to his his body.

What? Why is he hugging me?

He softly cries, I cloud feel his tears on my neck. He holds me with one hand around my waist, and the other on my head holding me tight. He didn't want to let me go. His hold was strong.

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