Austin 10: the week

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Mondays suck.

Really that's all I can say. There isn't a day more annoying, boring than Monday. I woke up early for school. Got dressed and then went down stairs. I got there and saw that some one was there, Dania. What was she doing here?

"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just came by to say good morning." she smiles big.

"Oh, well morning." I say.

"So you ready?" she asks.

"For what?"

"I'm taking you to school, remember?" she says.

I shake my head, "I really don't remember that." I say.

"Come on." she says dragging me out the door. I grabbed my stuff as she pulled me to my car. She asks to drive and I let her. "Where's you're school?" she asks.

"Over on Mel rose avenue. Where o you go to school?" I ask.

"Oh I don't go to school. I'm home schooled." she says.

"That must be fun." I sigh thinking back to all the home work, and the teachers. Man do I miss my tutors I had in New York.

"Yeah it is. I mean it's kind of an escape. I get to feel free in a way. I have to go to photo shoots and fashion shows, if I were to go to school. You wouldn't believe how many people fake around me just to hang out with me cause of the money." she sighs, "I don't want to be used."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I say, "I was dating this one girl Megan. She only went out with me because I was starting to get famous. I thought I loved her. Well I kind of did when I was like ten, but then she took that to her advantage."

"You didn't sleep with her right?" she asked.

"No, no I didn't. But man would I have felt like an idiot if I did." I say. "I've only ever slept with one..." I stopped myself from speaking. I wasn't even thinking, it just slipped out.

"Only with one girl? That's okay. I've slept with a few guys. I'm not a slut or any thing. I mean I've slept with a few of my boyfriends, but that's just some thing natural. I mean yeah." she says.

"I guess it is. But people say you should wait for the right moment." I add.

"Yeah you should, but oh well. What are you going to do." she says.

We drove on o my school, I kept thinking about Ally. Wow,  can not get that girl out of my head. She just keeps popping in. I was thinking about the time where I was going to leave for New York the next day. Trish called me to come over to Ally's house. Which I did, I came over. The first thing I did was kiss her against the door.

Then we went up to her room where we, yeah.

I know we're young, but it felt right. Now I don't know what I feel for Ally. I mean we're not really in each others lives any more. I mean we have seen each other multiple times, but we're not friends.

Wow, I'm not friends with Ally. That's weird.

We got to the school parking lot. "So thanks for driving me. if you want you can drive the car back to my house and you can pick up your's?" I say.

"Um sure." she says. I say thanks again but before I can go she grabs my neck and starts kissing me. Like really kissing me.

I pull away after a minute, "What was that for?" I ask.

"Well we are playing a part. Plus kissing me isn't all that bad." she smiles.

She starts to lean in to kiss me, I press my lips against hers. And that's how my Monday starts. Me making out with Dania. In my car, in the school parking lot.

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