Ally 35: cousins

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"You look so beautiful in that dress! I can't wait for this day, I wish it was already here!"

"Sara that would be crazy, we still have so much work to do."

"I know but I just can't wait any longer. I'm too exited! Aren't you Ally?"


I simply nod to them with a smile. "I'm gonna go to the bath room." I say as I go into the back of the dress store.

Today was another day of fitting for my brides maid dress. Sara and her mom came and her sister just left. This day was suppose to be fun. But I just can't bring myself to that right now.

So many, too many things have been happening. Well for starters the tour is almost here. We're leaving in about maybe two weeks, Austin's birthday is next week.

Oh Austin.

He hasn't left my side since that night, I was about to cut myself. I was going crazy trying to cut myself, but Austin wouldn't let me. He was going just as crazy to not let me cut myself.

Since then he has made sure to always be with me. That is when I'm not in more therapy sessions. I've had one therapist for about two weeks. And I meet with her twice a week.

I haven't told her or Austin why I!, was going crazy to cut myself that night. Mom.

She came over that night, she left right before Austin came back from the store. She said such horrible things. I don't even want to think about them. But they drove me insane, I wanted to scream, which I did.

But I needed to do some thing else, I did the only thing I could think of. That is until Austin stopped me.

That night he held on to me the whole night. He didn't let me go. He got into bed with me holding me tight. He called! Dez and Trish and made them stay with me while he went to work at the studio.

I wanted to go to work with him too, but he wouldn't let me. He said I needed to rest and that he would come right after to come be my side. Which he was. Right there next to me.

I also didn't go to Dany's birthday party. I felt really bad. I told her I was dealing with some more issues and she understood.

I'm so nervous about every thing.
We did finish Austin's album. All the songs we written and he had a new music video. So thats good. The tour was of course going to amazing, but I'm still trying to recover.

Austin was almost considering canceling the tour. He didn't want me to push myself too much. He says he won't do the show with out me so he wouldn't go either. So there would be no show at all.

I told him that was crazy and that I was going on tour. My current therapist gave a list of other therapists she recommends in the cities we'll be going to.

My step dad is putting Austin and Stella in charge of all my medications, diets, sleeping hours, every thing.

Stella was so shocked when she found out about me, she even cried. I asked her not to tell Michel because I didn't want him to fire me, or some thing like that. She understood and said she would make sure that I would be perfectly fine and healthy.

Things seem to be good, and they are. But for some reason I'm just not feeling good right now. Like I'm not sad, but I'm not I the mood to smile.

I just want Austin to be here with me. He put Sara in charge of me today. Seriously that boy makes sure I'm with some one at all times if he can't be there.

Trish and Dany are glued to me at school. Dez picks me up from school some times and then drops me off at Austin's house. Austin wanted to pick me up but he's helping his parents get his house set up for his cousins to come.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna meet Austin's cousins today. They were suppose to come next week but they decided it was better to get here earlier rather then later.

We're all going out for dinner with his parents, then the six of us are gonna hang out at the mall. Austin really wants to catch up with his cousins. He says they're really cool and that I'll like Ella a lot. I hope they like me.

What if they think I'm a freak, did Austin already tell them about me? My problems? I hope not, I don't want them to think bad of me.

No no, Austin wouldn't tell them unless he knows I would be okay with it. I just need to relax.

I decide to go back to the front of the door and let the woman continue fitting my dress.

"Oh Ally you look so stunning." Sara mom gushes., "Sweetie why don't you smile?" She asks.

I just keep my head down looking at my bare feet. The woman taking my measurements wanted me to take off my shoes.

Sara turns to me, "Ally what's wrong?"

I shrug looking down not wanting to see their eyes, "Do you think Austin's cousins are going to like me? What if they think bad of me?"

Sara lets out a small giggle, "Are you crazy? Of course they're going to like you. Come on let's get you home so you can change for tonight. "

We left the dress store and Sara took me back home.

"I must tell you Ally this house is incredible. I can't believe that Austin got himself a rich girl. But you don't seem that way, or dress like it." Sara says as she looks at my room in amazement.

"The money's my mom's. She bought me this house after my father passed away." I explain.

Sara simply nods and then steps out for me to get ready. I took a shower and then blow dried my hair. I picked out a simple pale blue strapless dress. It was covered in pink floral, and came up to about an once above my knee.

I put on simple sandals and brushed out my hair. My hair came down to my back and was long and flowed nicely.

The outfit was nice but it needs some thing. I then got a little click in my head.

I went over to my jewelry box. I pulled out my favorite necklace. It's a blue teal sea shell on a silver chain. I love this more than any thing. Austin gave it to me about a year ago.

It was the night that Austin came and told me that he had another father. The night I said I would think about giving him a chance. He was so exited that he flipped us over off a surfboard and got us soaked.

I love that night more than any thing. I love this necklace. It looked nice with the dress. I know Austin will be happy to see me wear it again.

I got to his house and my stomach was in knots, seriously I felt like throwing up. I am completely no longer that bad girl Ally I was trying to be after Austin left for Nee York.

Nope I'm back to some of my regular habits, I'm not that insecure, like I won't chew on my hair, or dance weird. But I sure do get nervous around new people.

I had told Sara to head on to the house once she first dropped me off at my place. That I would go there myself, at first she wasn't okay with it. But I told her to go, and I know she and I are both going to get it from Austin.

I know he'a not going to like me being alone, but I'll deal with it. It's just his family that I worry about.

I know I'm over reacting a little, it's just that I love Austin so much. I want the people he loves, to like me. I would hate to be the girl that they hate.

Okay stay calm Ally just be cool. Just think positive and ring the doorbell.

With in two seconds the door opens and Sara practically yanks me in.

"You know Austin's not happy." She says.

"He's mad at me?" I say a little upset.

"No he could never be mad. He'a just worried about you, but I think his cousins got to cheer him up a bit." She says.

She adds, "You know they're going to be so happy to meet you. I've just met them but they're so incredible. They're hysterical and they're going to love you."

She leads me to the hallway into the family room, I hear laughs and cheers as we get closer. Sara steps in first but I stop in the hallway.

"Ally come on." She says. I just shake my head and stand to the wall.

She sighs as she stands in the door way, "Austin." She says and signals for him to come.

He walks to her not noticing me, "Whats up?" He asks.

She points over to me and I grab his attention instantly, "Ally."

He hurries to me and I wrap my arms around his neck stepping on my tip toes.

"Are you okay, why didn't you come Sara. Did any thing happens to you?" He asks worriedly.

"Austin I'm fine really. I just needed a little alone time." I say.

He takes my hands in his, "You're hands are shaking. Are you worried?" He asks.

I nod my head deciding not to lie to him, "I'm more nervous. About meeting our cousins, what if they don't like me?"

"Are you crazy. Ally of course there going to love you, every one does. You have no idea how lunch of a special girl you are Ally Dawson. Come on, they're dying to meet you."

"Any ways you're in big trouble for coming alone. You could have called me or Trish to come pick you up." He adds.

I sigh, "I know I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?"

He smiles, "No. I can never be mad at my little Ally." His eyebrows lift, "is that the necklace I gave you like a year ago?" He asks. His smiling growing bigger and bigger.

I smile and nod with a little giggle, "Yup. It goes perfect with my dress. Also I just love wearing it. I got it from the most amazing guy in the world."

He's bright red and laughs, "I wish I was that guy." He jokes.

I roll my eyes but he just looks really happy. Like he got his dream Christmas present.

"I'm just really happy to see you wear that again." He says nervously.

He lets go of one hand and then leads me through into the family room. I come face to face with four new faces. I nearly faint as I look at them.

Three guys, and one girl. They look a little older than us, one the same age or younger. They look so much like Austin, expect for one.

"Oh my god she's so cute!" The blonde girl, who I am assuming is Ella, squeals when sees me. She runs over to me giving me a big hug.

"You're Ally right?" She asks, I nod my head, "I'm Ella, Austin just keeps going on about how beautiful you are and amazing. You guys look adorable together!" She squeals again.

She then pulls Austin right to my side and makes him put his arms around me from behind, "You guys look perfect together. Austin's so tall and you're so small, it works, totes adorable! "

She's a very cheery person, like one of those girls who loves watching others be in love. Also included sappy love movies.

"Okay please excuse my over dramatic little sister. Nice to meet you I'm Edward, the big brother." He says extending his arm out to me.

I reach out to but Austin's arms are still around me, "Oh right sorry." He says letting go. So then I shake Edwards hand.

"Great to meet you Ally, I'm Ethan. The little brother." Says the tall boy who looks like Austin but with brown long hair. They don't look exactly the same, but there are similarities.

"Hey I'm Eli, I'm just the awkward friend in the group." Says the boy who looks nothing like the rest of them.

"Eli is a really close friend of the family. He is like a brother slash cousin." Austin explains.

"It's very nice to meet you." I say shyly.

"Don't be shy we're all crazy just be yourself." Ethan says.

"Yeah, don't think not to be yourself around us. We're all over the place." Edward says.

I simply smile and nod. "So w-when are we going to dinner?"

"My parents and Josh will be here in about ten minutes. I'm gonna go get my jacket be back in like two seconds." He says bending down and giving me a kiss on my right cheek.

Which causes him to smile big, me to blush insanely, Ella to sequel, and the guys pretending to barf.

Austin goes upstairs and I sit in between Ella and Eli.

"So Ally how long have you and Austin been together?" Eli asks randomly.

"We started to go out a year ago. We took a break, and we're kind of together now. But it's not official." I explain.

"Really cause all Austin can do is go on and on and on about you." Ethan laughs. "He's got it bad."

All the guys start to laugh, "Oh hush up. Austin's just in love, none of you would know what that's like." Ella defends.

Josh and Austin's parents arrive soon and then all of us get into Edwards van. Austin's parents go into their car. It's was a little squeezed since Josh and Sara came in the van too. So Austin pulled me on to his lap wrapping his arms around me.

The restaurant was up in Cooper City thirty to forty minutes away. Austin's parents are good friends with the owners and would get a good price on the food. It's a really nice restaurant, and his parents wanted to treat Josh and Sara to some thing nice.

Like a wedding present.

I could feel Austin play with my hair, and I knew Ella was smiling at the two of us. I smiled too as I snuggled into his chest. The whole freaking out and worrying tired me out.

It was really stressful and overwhelming. My eyes lids felt heavy and I decided to just take a nap before we there.

I heard Austin chuckle as I let out a little yawn. "You sleepy?" He asks.

I nod and yawn again, "Is it okay if I take a nap in your arms?" I ask.

He chuckles again, "You're so funny. Of course, I'll wake you when we get there."

With that I go to sleep on the arms of the most amazing guy in the world.


Austin's POV:

Ally is so cute, I nearly laughed at how she asked me if it was okay to sleep in my arms.

Of course I would let her, that's why I pulled her onto my lap. I just love holding her. It's so cute when she yawns, like a little kitten

As we drove I would play with Ally's soft hair. Brush her cheek gently, and kiss her little nose. I also noticed how Ella could not stop staring at us.

"Why do you keep looking at us?" I ask her.

She laughs and I shush her because Ally's still sleeping, I know she needs every bit of rest she can get.

"It's just you two are to adorable. It's so sweet I'm getting cavities." She whispers to me.

"I just love her so much. I messed up so bad, and I'm just really trying to have her as mine again." I said looking down at Ally in my arms again.

She's so beautiful, I look at her and think of all the horrible things that I've caused her. But then I look at her smiling in her sleep, and I smile again.

"So you guys aren't officially together. How come?" Ethan asks.

"Um it's a really long story." I say not wanting to answer more. I see Sara and Josh glance at me. While my cousins and Eli look at me weird.

I don't want to tell them about Ally, that's must have been why she was so worried to meet them. She might have thought they think bad of her. But I haven't told them a thing. Even if I did I know they still would try to get to know her and be good friends.

Honestly who could hate this girl.

I know I can't. I love way too much.


Ella's POV:

Austin and Ally are the sweetest thing in the world. Austin's like this big goofy loving guy and Ally's like his cute little princess. I love watching how cute they are with each other.

He can't go two seconds with out touting her hair. I love how he gives her a kiss on the nose,bags she smiles a little bit ever time.

Austin seriously would not let her go. I thought of something interesting. Just some thing to see how Austin would react.

I dared Eli to tell Austin to let him carry Ally for a while.

He said, "Hey Austin why don't you let me carry her? Give another guy a chance. Shes gorgeous, I mean who wouldn't want a chance to hold her?"

He nearly went crazy at the thought of Ally in some one else's arms. I gave in and told him that I dared Eli to say that. I told him I just wanted to see his reaction.

Eli said he would never try any thing on Ally. She's all Austin's and says that he wants them to be together. Austin calmed down and went back to stroking Ally's hair. Amazing how she slept through that whole thing.

Austin was about to punch Eli. Man my little cousin is really protective over that girl. That's some thing else I've noticed. How Austin really doesn't want to leave Ally alone.

Not like a clingy boyfriend, more like he's scared some things going to happen to Ally. That's he's trying all he can to make sure she's 100% safe.

I'll ask him about it later. It is a little weird.


Ally's POV:

I woke up to Austin whispering my name. We were at the restaurant and he lead me inside. We wait about ten minutes then go to our table of ten.

It was a big circle table. I sat next to Austin, who was next to Edward, who was next to Ethan, who was next Eli who was next to Mr. Moon who was next to Mrs. Moon who was next to Josh, next to him was Sara, next to her was Ella, who was next to me from my other side.

I wasn't sure what to get.

"What are you getting?" Austin asks.

"Um I'm not sure." I answer.

"Just make sure you kids fill up, Ally?" Mrs. Moon says.

I nod understanding what she means. She wants to make sure I eat perfectly fine, I kind of scared her when I fainted in front of her that one day.

"I think I'll get the chicken and white rice. With the salad on the side." I told the waiter.

It was a Thai restaurant, it was my first time coming to one so I just ordered foods that I was familiar with. Chicken and rice.

When it came out it looked really good, when I tried it. Amazing I loved it, it was so tasty. There was this sauce that they gave me, I didn't know what it was, but it went perfect with the chicken.

Austin was laughing at how I was eating my food, so were all the other boys.

"What? Haven't you ever seen a girl eat before?" I ask them.

"Not like you have." Edward says.

"Haha." I say turning away from Austin's face.

"Ally it's okay." Austin says with a chuckle.

"You're mean I'm not talking to you any more." I say pouting my lip.

"Really come on. You know I wouldn't make fun of you. I think it's cute how you're getting so exited and enthusiastic over knew yummy food." He chuckles and I do to.

I cant help but smile and turn back to him. I bop his nose and kiss cheek which makes him turn bright red. I think because I kiss him in front of his family.

"You're so cute my little tomato." I giggle as he just turns back to his plate not letting me see his "scarlet fever"

Ally: 1 Austin: 0


A/N hey guys so sorry for the really late update I had some technical complications. So any way hoped you loved it. Promise I will try to update more faster. Love you guys so much, thanks so much for the awesome comments and votes. You're the BEST.

: Also yes Austin's cousins are the members of R5. Let me just say who's who even though you probably have an idea.

Ella: is Rydel. Duh I think that was obvious.

Edward: is Riker

Ethan : is Rocky

Eli: is Ellington ( kind of has the name in it)

So yeah don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks <3

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