Ch 53: Going In

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Lots of Love, Roxanne


Sleep is an essential part of living.

With out it the human body couldn't function.

I think there is such a thing as beauty sleep. Not in that you get beauty from sleeping, but that in a sleep trance you look incredibly beautiful.

So peaceful.

So calm.

Just utterly breathtaking.

It's now three in the morning and I really should be getting some sleep.

I will eventually. But I just need a few more minutes.

Just to admire her a little longer.

Taking her hand in mine I bring it closer to me. Right in front of my lips to place a soft kiss on her soft fingers.

"Sleep tight my little song bird."

I'll be right here when you wake up.

I promise I'm not loosing you this time. You just go and sleep as much as you need to. I'll be right for you when you wake up.

"I love you."

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"Now Dez are you sure you have everything ready?"

"Duh I'm not an idiot. I have my clothes, food, and my collection of every movie Leonardo Decaprio has ever stared in."

"Guys." I interrupt them, "We need to get going to Palm Cost. We're meeting Andrew tonight and we have to talk to that crazy woman."

We're heading there.

We're finally getting the answers we need to get our Ally back.

Sure we know that she's in London. But London is huge, who knows how long it will take us to find her.

Andrew, Ally's step brother, has been in contact with us and allowed us to come over to their home. No one in that house can get their mom to say anything as to where Ally is.

Maybe I can. I know it's a long shot, that woman hates me. But I have to try. I need to get my Ally back.

I need to know that she's okay.

The three of us have already said goodbye to our families and we promised to be in contact with them though out the trip.

Which I understand, they love us and are only looking out for us.

Plus it's not everyday your son and his best friends go on a trip across the country,as well as the sea, to find his girlfriend/ fiancé/ music partner and save her from the evil mother monster.

"Alright the trip should be around four or so hours, maybe three if we can speed up and cut a few people off." Dez suggests.

I know that's pretty dangerous and illegal, but I'm desperate.

Trish nods, "As long as we don't end up in jail, then I'm good."

I pull out a schedule I made and had it color coded.

Oh Ally would have been so proud.

"Alright. So I've divided up the driving time, also taking time to ad in bathroom breaks and meal times. Hopefully with this we will be able to get to Palm Cost as soon as possible."

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