Ch 50: Im not Fine at All

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*Important Authors note at the end please read, please*

Austin's POV:

"Thank you Miami! Goodnight!"

"We love you Austin!"

"You're amazing Austin!"

"Please marry me Austin!"

. . .

"Hey Austin, great performance. It's definitely good to be back in Miami." Dez says as I return back stage.

"I guess. I mean it was so much fun going around to different cities, but good to be home." I answer with a week smile.

Yes the tour is coming to a close. With one week left, all performances here in Miami.


Ally isn't here.

You have no idea what it's like to be separated from the one person you can't live with out. As if I was literally dead.

I still had a job to do, so I would put on happy face in front of the cameras. But then after words all I wanted to do was eat ice cream under my blanket and watch The Note Book.

Yes I realize what I'm saying. That was one of Ally's favorite movies. hey gene a guy gets heartbroken it's pretty intense.

First we're all anger-full and want to break every thing we. Then just yell at every one. But after words we just get into this really depressing stage.


She's some where in London. We haven't been able to contact the school because for one, it's on a different continent.

Two, anything we try to send to contact, letter, email, all rejected.

"Come on buddy you're family is having a big welcome home dinner for you at the house." Dez says as we head back to bus.

This bus as been out home for a whole now, but I really do miss my own bed.

. . .

"My baby's home!"

Yes that was my mother.

"Ma, stop you're getting lipstick all over me!"

"My baby was gone for almost this whole summer and you want me to stop loving you."

"It's okay mom. I missed you too."

"He's Back!"

I was then tackled by my cousins to the ground.

"Dude I missed ya. Don't ever leave home again." Ed cried.

"Yeah we had no one to mess with for almost two months." Eli joked.

I shake my head laughing, "I can see how much you guys really missed me."

"Hey." Ella said shyly, "How you doing?" I knew what she was referring to.

"Uh, I'm okay. Better, but you know. Still looking." I mumbled. I didn't want to start crying so I just played it cool.

She nodded, "That's good. I know you'll find her. Every thing will turn out okay."

"Okay kiss let's go eat in the dinning room." mom says ushering us all to the room.

"Yeah! Food! Food! Food!" they all chanted as we sat down with our plates ready in hand.

Austin and Ally FF (Fixing the Melodies)Where stories live. Discover now