Ally 9 : jobs

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It was Sunday morning, I was still wiped out from the party last night, it was really fun. but I didn't think I was going to get pulled to the ground, but I should have expected it would be by Austin Moon. He keeps popping into my life, just randomly. Where ever I'm at, he's at. I can't seem to get away from him.

I hated how he was trying to "protect me." Like I really need that guy's protection. I did not also like how people keep assuming I can't handle myself. I can take care of myself.

Today I had work, yes I can manage a job, and it's only a few days a week. I work at a very beautiful restaurant. But I'm not a wait-or, I work as a one of the entertainments. I usually sing or play piano. I like it, it's nice and calm.

I was wearing a nice summer dress, since it was only about eleven am. If I work the night shifts, then I might wear some thing a little nicer. It pays good too. A little extra cash is good too.

After I finished singing about three songs, a woman or girl who's in her early twenties came over to me. "I must say, that was very lovely." she says.

"thank you>\." I answer respectfully.

"Did you write that?" she asks, I nod to her, "Amassing. I'm Stella Parks, I work along with my uncle and his record company Music Art Records." Yes! I know her! Her uncle's the proud owner of the company! "We've been trying to find a song writer, we have many. Just none really fit the client's look." she explains to me, "I have heard you sing here before, I'm really impressed."

"Really?" Okay I'm not even sure what is happening here. But I think I might like this.

"Yes really, would you like to meet me and my uncle later this afternoon. I think he would very much like you for our client." she says, "pays ten times better than here." she hints.

"Um okay." That's really all I can say, I'm in this shock mode right now.

"Great, let me give you my number. I'm sure that my uncle will love you." she says handing me her card. "See you later, oh wait. What's your name?"

"Ally, Ally Dawson." I say, I need to scream. I can not believe this women who just met me wants me to work for her and her uncle. I need to scream. I need to jump. This is probably the best thing that has happened to me in months. I am not exaggerating.

"Well Ally Dawson, I'll see you at Music Art Records. Be there by five thirty today." she says talking off.

Oh my god, I can't believe it. Some one like her, important in the music world, likes my music. Stella Parks, likes my Music! Her uncle Michel Taylor, I hope he'll like my music. I just can't believe this, like really.

I also can't believe how happy I am. I haven't been this happy for so long. It's sad I know it. But it's the truth, though I don't want to think about that. I'm too much in a good mood to get hurt right now. I know I'll be crying later, on the ground alone. But I want to be happy in this moment I have now.

I was so happy I left work early, I rushed over to Trish's house. I explained every thing to her, going nuts, jumping up and down. "Oh my god this is huge!" she says.

"I know!" I yell back at her.

"She just comes up to you and wants you to work for a big major record company?" sh says.

"I know it's so weird. She didn't even ask me my name until after she offered me the job. I can't believe this!"I exclaim.

"I can't believe how happy you are." she says, "I mean I havne't seen you smile that big in a really long time."

I nod my head, "Yeah. I know. It's just, every thing started falling apart after I broke up with Austin. I felt like I was drowning in my emotions. I felt like it wasn't going to get any better." I sigh, "But now things seem to be turning up."

"Yes, they are. Now come on lets get you ready," she says, "You know amassing they dress in the music business."

I laugh a little, "Yeah you're right."

I had showered and gotten dressed, not over the top though. Trisha drove me to the record company. She said she would come pick me up later. 

When I got there, it was beautiful. Really, just from the outside I was memorized. The building was tall, with hundred's of windows, it looked like it was made from white glass. You're typical Miami building. There were multiple Palm trees around it, and there was the most beautiful ocean view behind it.

I walked in it didn't compare to the outside. Just the building I mean, nothing compares to the ocean. It was a whole different world. The place seemed to be so modern, red leather couches, bright walls,  music art. There was a wall just covered in gold music records. And pictures and statues of old music legends, and some new people just starting out.

What caught me, and pulled me in was the beautiful red piano. Yes she was amazing, lovely. I had to play her. I sat down on the bench. I was just amazed how the seat felt. I first just ran my hands over the keys. It was smooth, the touch was putting me under a spell. I loved this piano. There is such a thing at love at first sight.

I began playing what ever melody came into my head, Some thing from my old song book. Man do I miss that book, I bet Austin through it out. Well actually no he hasn't. He's using the songs I wrote for him in that book.

I was just playing more and more, when I heard clapping from behind memaking me jump out of my seat.

Stella, "Well I'm glad yo came." she says. She had a bit of a European ancient. Mixed with some else I didn't know. "That was beautiful. You wrote that correct?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah."

"Come, I want you to meet my uncle Michel." she says dragging me up the grand stair case.

She lead me into some one's office, It screamed important in the music business. I sat down next to her, as a tall man came to sit across from us. He had long hair, kind of like a mullet, but better looking. He had this sort of Elvis thing about him.

"Hello, you must be Ally, names Michel, you can call me mike." he says. Yes I know him very well, Michel owns this beautiful record company, the most important one in Miami. I can't believe I'm here.

"Hi." wow that's all I can say. What happened to Ally that's not afraid of any thing. Why is old shy Ally here again. "it's an honor getting to know you sir." I say with respect. That's more better.

"Well, actually I think I have the honor. I hear you maybe my clients song writer. That's very important to me. My niece tells me you have some thing special in you. Real music, that's what I'm looking for my client."

"Wow." I can't believe I let that slip out of my mouth. I didn't want to seem like this is the est thing that has ever happened to me. Maybe it is, maybe there was just one thing that was better.

"So I take it you would be interested?" he says.

I nervously nod, "Yeah, I think I would." I say.

"So is that a yes. Well let me tell you what we're offering you." he says, "So first we're hiring you so we're paying you for every hour, that will be at least seventy five dollars. For you to be here, just a hundred dollars, every song, at least some where from five hundred to eight hundred." he says.

I gasp, no kidding, "wow." I say once again.

"Trust me that's nothing," he says, "The more ypu're songs grow the more we'll pay you. Amazing songs equal amazing amounts of money." he says., "So Ally, are you in?"


Yes, I'm in. I'm not going to get scared, or over think this and run away. Old Ally is gone, this is the new me. Some one who is strong and is going to be successful. I don't want to be all that I am right now. I'm depressed, and angry, trying to let that go. But not all at once.

"Great, we'll have you meet my client this Saturday. You'll start working right away. Get here like around ten." he tells me.

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