Austin 20 :woe

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It was Saturday morning.


Normally I would be like, Yeah it's Saturday! But not today, or most Saturdays for that matter. Now I have to wake up early and get ready for work. I like sleeping. Okay that's me, sleep.

Also, one girl that always seem to tick me off every now and then. But then that same girl makes me think that things are okay, that they're great. But I don't get how it can be ruined so fast. Like she doesn't like that things become okay, in the world of Ally Dawson, things should be sad.

Like yesterday. It was fun, I had a great time with Ally. It made me think if the really great times. How fun it was to mess with her, and laugh like crazy. I also really liked how she dressed. She's a lot more mature now. The way she sings is also a lot more mature. She sounds more powerful, in control. I like that.

I loved watching her sing, I couldn't help but think that she was singing to me. I did smile a little when she winked at me during her little performance at the photo shoot.

But why did she have to talk about that guy. I was thankful that she pointed out that there is nothing between us, but bring up some other guy? Really? And he doesn't even know she's alive. You would think her new confidence level would make her more open. I guess she still has that shyness inside of her. I miss that.

I was eating a bowl of cereal when Josh came to the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl and sat down next to me serving himself some.

"Weird to see you up so early." He comments.

"Yeah well I have a job now." I say, "Why are you up. Don't you just normally sit around and do nothing?" I joke.

"Haha. Very funny. But I have a job as well, I have to pay for a wedding some how." He says taking a spoonful of Lucky Charms.

"I still can't believe you're getting married in a few months." I say.

"Yeah. I know it's a shocker. Today I have to pick out an apartment for me and Sara to move into." He says. "You wanna come?"

"You want me to help pick out a place? For you and Sara to live?" I say surprised.

"Yeah. I could use some advice. Any thing to help me make a good decision. It seem to be good at that." He says.

Probably not good at that any more. I can probably make a list of terrible decisions I've made.

"Um okay. What time." I ask.

"Well we have to be at the first location by three. So be there at around two thrifty." He says.

"Cool." I say. I check my phone and see that Dez sent me a text. "Alright I got to go. Dez is waiting for me out side to drive me to work." I say getting up and going to the door.

Once we're at the record company, Dez said we'll catch up later. He's gonna be busy working on music videos, and even a short film project he's doing. So that should be cool. I decided to go up to my office. I was sitting around waiting for some one to give me orders. But I don't have to talk to Michel for another hour.

I walked over to Ally's office. I slowly peek my head in. And there I see Ally. She's asleep on the couch. I walk in quietly not wanting to wake her up. I sit down in a chair next to the couch, I'm just staring at her. I know that must be a little weird, but I can't help it.

She's so peaceful, and pure when she sleeps. I carefully stroke her hair, it's softer than I remember. She breaths slowly. I move my hand down the her cheek, rubbing it softly. Then my fingertips to her lips. Her sweet little pink lips....

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